Spiritual Seekers’ Questions to Consider

Questions for a Spiritual Seeker

“If you consider yourself to be on a spiritual path, you must be having conversations with your soul already. During your conversations, pause often and listen carefully. At times, pause to ask questions too.”

By Chandresh Bhardwaj, Contributor

Link to Blog: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/21-questions-for-a-spirit_n_5276120

Chandresh Bhardwaj writes:

“Questions are an important part of life and the spiritual journey as well. One must never stop asking questions. Be it the questions to your guru, teacher or your soul. If you consider yourself to be on a spiritual path, you must be having conversations with your soul already. During your conversations, pause often and listen carefully. At times, pause to ask questions too. When you ask a question to your soul, don’t worry about receiving the perfect answer. Instead, keep all your focus on the questions. Meditation on questions will eventually help you to arrive “home.”

Here are a few questions that I suggest you to ask yourself on your spiritual journey. I avoided adding any explanations to the questions as I don’t wish to interfere or add my bias to the answers/explanations that will come your way when asking these questions. One way to use these questions is to ask them one by one. Don’t rush. Take your time to explore one question and be as unbiased as possible in listening. Don’t manipulate the answers. Don’t try hard to listen to the answer that you want to hear. Just be effortless in listening.

The mind will give you many fancy answers. Especially if you are in the “spiritual market” for a while, it will give you answers such as “you are a divine soul,” “you are love,” you are “forgiveness.” Reject all these answers. The ancient masters used the mantra, Neti Neti, which means “neither this, nor that.” Masters recommended rejecting all answers thrown by mind and only then you will see the layers peeling off.

Do I seek social approval?
Where does my happiness come from?
What do I seek in my prayers?
Do I feel the divine in others?
How conscious am I when I eat?
Do I contribute unconditional love in the life of others?
How often do I lose my temper?
How much power do daily circumstances have over me?
How do I want to be remembered?
How deeply am I connected with my heart?
What is my deepest fear?
Am I connected to Mother Nature around me?
Have I accepted my body as it is?
Have I forgiven myself and others unconditionally?
What does love mean to me?
What is my deepest intention?
Do I listen to my soul attentively?
Do I cry and laugh easily?
How hard it is for me to unblock love?
What is my inspiration?
Who am I?” (End of Chandresh’s Blog)

There are NO right or wrong answers to these questions. The exercise is to ask, then consider, then enhance your self-awareness by attempting this exercise. Some of these questions are so powerful for me to ask of myself. Your most significant questions from this list depend on you and the consciousness you have already worked to achieve.


If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Love Serve Remember

Love – Serve – Remember and “Remember Your Enlightenment”…

Are YOU ready to be a positive change in the World?! Your actions can set off a chain reaction for the Good in this Universe! Set YOUR intention to be force for Good in our World!

Now is the time! Live YOUR Enlightenment. It is Not just a thought! It is Not just a feeling! It is a remembering who you really are…

Consider repeating:
I am a child of God and
I am going to set my soul FREE!

Sure, these sound like words from a Joni Mitchell song, and, they are…

Live Your Destiny in Enlightenment by starting with this simple ritual…
YES, I am asking YOU to get off the couch!
And, Yes this change requires some time and effort. So put down your SmartPhone, turn off your TV, and Engage! Interact in a Loving Way as an Act of Service!!!

Your Homework: Find three people per day and…

Look into your partner’s eyes. Connect with “Spark of Life” which reflects their True Spirit…
Know their Soul!
From your heart, tell them who you “Know” them to be…
“I know (or feel) You Are……”:

A Miracle
An Angel
A Blessing

Additionally, if appropriate, you can say:
“I feel You are…”:

A Joy

What is in this for you? Everything!!! Your Ancestors, Your Guides, Your Angels, and the Divine Spirit loves this service and shine brightly through you to chase the darkness of UnEnlightenment from our Universe!

“As a Being of Love & Light, YOU are a Perfect Manifestation of Divine Spirit. You are the Perfection of the Universe. You are a Unique Miracle!” (No one else can do “you” as well as you.) “You are a Perfect Child of God!”


If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

We Are Old Souls: No Excuses

A guide recently said to me, “We are all old Souls!” I was taken aback. This comment was triggered by a meditation I was recently having and my partner in this meditation revealed himself/herself to me as older and distinguished. Kind of like looking at Moses or one the Wisepersons from biblical times, you know old and gray. Long gray hair and beard and robes just standing there like in a movie. I was a little surprised and remarked, “You are an OLD Soul!” His answer surprised me and got me thinking… “We are ALL Old Souls.”

In contemplating this response, it opened the door for me to consider that all of our souls have been a part of the “Divine” since the Divine consciousness was created. If we believe that there is time (and I am not sure about this anymore) then our souls have been hangin’ around, pushing through various incarnations, over and over, trying to master our lessons for awhile. Some of us (our souls) may have been busy doing other things, like being a glacier or a tectonic plate, and have not taken the fast tract forward toward Enlightenment or Awakening or whatever the purest form of consciousness is defined by. Some souls are in hurry and scurrying around bumping into experiences which seem to expedite the process. Some souls just spend 40 days in the desert and came back to be Christ! AND, to confuse things even more, some spirits or souls are so highly spiritually evolved they did not have to incarnate at all, EVER! (And, these unfortunate souls do not get to come to the “fun” amusement park we call Earth.) But forget about these beings, for now.

We, our souls that is, have been hangin’ around since the dawn of consciousness in some form or another AND we all are AS OLD AS POSSIBLE. Yup, YOU have no more excuses for your infantile behaviors or thinking. We are all old and wise. We just forgot! When we arrived in this current incarnation our memory of where we came from was erased so we could struggle with our current lessons and challenges. If we could just “REMEMBER where We Came From” and the Divine Perfection we are, then we would not have to take “Life” so seriously and live in Joy more 24/7. Well, that is deep and it is our lesson… BTW, we are supposed to share our wisdom & Joy and truly love every other soul we bump into because we are all in this together… Take responsibility, ’cause whether you remember this or not, you chose to come back in this incarnation AND for a lesson!

Well this was not what I thought I was going to get out of this simple, low expectation, meditation. You never know. So pay attention! Be open! And, do not try to write yourself a note excusing your behavior as just a youthful miscalculation. You were supposed to step on that turd and knew it was there on some level of consciousness. Just clean it up and do not track it into the house for dinner… With my Love and appreciation! You are Perfect!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Struggles of Life: Coming Into This World

Being born and thriving in the world is full of struggles and challenges. It is this challenge that is our purpose for incarnating. Struggles come with the territory of manifesting in Human Form. We have enough consciousness to make physical and emotional survival an interesting process. Born helpless, we rely on parents or adults to feed us and to teach us how to survive. As babies, we offer these caretakers the opportunity to give unconditionally to a tiny human with the hope that this child will survive long enough to enter their own period of adulthood. (Though, sadly the unconditional love piece is often missing… And, surviving to adulthood is NOT guaranteed.) This set of struggles to be born, to be raised, and to participate in our life’s lessons is what life, as a human incarnation, is about. We are often conscious enough to know the challenges and lessons as we are caught up in them. Young parents adapt their lives to accommodate their babies (hopefully.) The parents are tired and emotionally tested. Sometimes they wonder why they chose to have children enter their lives and to distract them from other life issues. Most parents will eventually love and appreciate the struggles of their babies and perhaps all of the other souls who participate in this challenge called life (on Earth.) It is never without drama. It is never done error free. It is a learning and balancing act. The bond of the relationships in families is often forged as one of the strongest emotional bonds we humans can experience and we can pay the emotional price when a family member transitions from life (dies.) Coming into the world always ends with a transition out of the current worldly existence. This is a certainty we can not elude or change…
Love and appreciate all days and moments, and the souls you bump into.

The miracle of birth and of the growth of the physical and emotional being is always surprising. The joyful good times are fun and the pain of life traumas are scars which all concerned bear and must learn from. We all have our scars and life’s travails are so very important. We are all born unique and as our lives develop we have our individualized lessons. The goal is to be as conscious as possible and to share the wisdom we develop from life’s experiences. We are here to learn and to share. We are here to Love and to support the fellow pilgrims we meet. If you “circle the wagons” and keep from sharing your story, you may miss some golden opportunities to grow by teaching what you have learned from your struggles.

Life as a human is not supposed to be easy as in a fairy tale. Yet, when we come closer to enlightenment, we might find joy in even the most difficult challenges we confront. A wise friend of mine reminds me often of the great honor it is to live and to work through the struggles we negotiate along the way. Every moment is a blessing, if we allow ourselves to view the event from a spiritual perspective… AND, that is a Big If…

Find Joy! Live in Joy! You are a perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit! YOU, like all life on this Earth, are a MIRACLE!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Your Gift to the World Is YOU!

Do you like receiving a gift? Do you get pleasure and satisfaction from giving a great gift? If you are like most people, you get a great sense of satisfaction by giving a thoughtful gift. Hopefully, the gift has no “strings attached” to the process of giving. (You know what I mean when you give a gift and EXPECT something in return for your efforts…) Your present may be heartfelt and wrapped in the elegance of your warm wishes and tender love. It may be given in a more functional, less extravagant wrapping. It may have been thought out and well planned or a spontaneous act of sharing. You know when your act of giving is especially well received and when it does not meet the highest response.

A genuine act of kindness is often the most thoughtful gift which you can offer. “The thought counts” and the endearing follow through can be most meaningful. AND, many of us do not appreciate the present we can offer when we are sharing our love and our time and our compassion. You know that moment in time when the person in front of you offered you their “presence” and their listening skills as you share the most emotional memories. What a great gift when you are fully heard and this connection reminds you that you are not on your own. There is someone who listened and who cares…

Whenever, you increase your consciousness, you improve yourself. By enhancing your awareness and listening skills, you become more precious in your interactions. And, if you ever touch the Divine Spirit so that you fully celebrate the “perfection” of the person in front of you, you become the beacon of light which heals and warms the souls of every spirit you touch. There is no greater gift you can give. Honor yourself, for you are perfect even in your seeming imperfections. There is no one exactly like you. You are unique and at the same time Divinely connected to all other souls. Your lessons in this life are for you to move forward on your path BUT your movement on your path supports and assists everyone. Remember how Divine you really are and the source of unconditional love you can offer.

Be the best you can be. Not competitive but in your open ability to share love. If possible, drop your judgement and perhaps ask a “challenging” person you encounter, “What has happened to you in your life to lead you to be the person in front of me?” ALSO, remember that just as YOU are a Gift for the people you bump into, THEY are a Gift for you as well. You have a lesson to learn from every encounter and it is a blessing to learn from this challenge. You might want to consider honoring the beauty and perfection in front of you when next you lock eyes on the person standing in front of you!

YOU are a gift to the Universe! Sharing your Love and your wisdom gained through your life experience is an amazing service to the Universe. Grow in consciousness and share your Light!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Stranger in a Strange Land: The Value of the Stranger

Have you ever felt like you were a Stranger in a Strange land? I knew I did NOT fit in… Not with my family. Not with my classmates. Not with my culture. I was an outsider in search of my home, My place in the Universe. This feeling was there, though in the background. This feeling did not make my life “bad” but it lead me to engage in a quest for where I “belonged” and what I was “supposed” to do with my life. I doubt that feeling like a stranger is uncommon. In fact, it is very common as we feel our way through our teenage years searching for direction.

Guidance led me to choices in my life which were my special challenges and unique experiences. I am not alone in this, but I have learned to trust my gut feelings and followed interesting adventures, guided by my gut. Guidance has protected me for unknown reasons and my gratitude for this support pervades my consciousness. This drives me to learn from my life experiences to be of even greater service. I have learned that I am here to share love by connecting to other souls and for listening to their passions and stories.

Being a Stranger in a Strange Land forces me to move forward to learn and to know more about this strange land and culture. Then my goal is to learn how best to serve by being of help to increase consciousness. This leads to increase the fabric of connection and shared unconditional love… As an outsider, a stranger, I can observe, hopefully without judgement, and then I can learn and develop better strategies for the information and wisdom to be shared through teaching by sharing stories. The world needs more wisdom shared by outsiders with the gently shared perspective which gradually alters the consciousness of those souls touched by these sharings. Humor often helps make the “medicine” go down more easily. Offering the perspective of a respectful observer is not always easily accepted but can be most useful for the best outcome. (That is why companies pay big money to outside consultants to assist in finding the best strategies for developing or producing the company’s product or service.) Yes, “fresh eyes” can offer a new way of thinking.

Not fitting in is a good thing though not always the easiest path to follow. It can be lonely. You can feel unsupported. I would rather be an outsider than caught in the trap of participation and acceptance in limited or superficial behaviors which can block the focus and acuity to find, and know, the necessary path for positive change and growth into higher consciousness. Though this may sound like a judgement, impatience to enhance conscious living demands a somewhat critical perspective…

Be not attached to the outcome… There is no way to control how the other soul will react. There is no way to force consciousness.

The paradox in this belief regarding being an outsider is that we are actually all intimately involved. We are connected and not alone. As we are all interwoven, the stranger may appear to be an outsider but at the same time completely connected and “One” with every soul. Also, Everybody is special but not everybody knows it it, yet…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Though I am Just a Man…

Yes, I am just a Man! Nothing special! AND, I am as perfect and as special as every person I meet! As a man, working on my 7th decade in this life, I appear to be “average,” whatever that means… I have been a son, a brother, a lover, a friend, a worker, a business owner, an author, a coach, a trainer, a father, a husband, a widower, a team member, a grandson, a grandfather, a facilitator, a teacher, a traveller, a student, a spiritual being in a human body, a neighbor, an enemy, a “ball player,” an athlete, a hiker, a camper, a photographer, a sage, a fool, a driver, a bike rider, a runner/jogger, and many other common roles in this lifetime.

I am not special or different in many ways. I am unique and perfect in many ways. Just like YOU! I am NOT the role model for you to follow nor the person in the front of the room who tells you what to do and how to live your life. AND, I am the perfect role model which you were guided to bump into for the perspective I can offer. I am a wise older man and a completely immature fool… You can like me. You might find me annoying and difficult. We are on the same path, perhaps at different places along the way. AND, we are in this “thing” together, to support each other, as we find our way toward higher consciousness.

A am a Man! Metaphorically, take my hand and we will walk together. I can NOT live your life for you but I can support you and the adventure WE are on… As a man, do not expect that I will not make mistakes or I may even appear to let you down… Because as a man, I (& you) learn from my mistakes and transgressions. Our perfection is in how we play the role of the person we pretend to be. We do these roles so well. NO one can play YOU as well as YOU! BUT, we are so much bigger than our human roles. We are a perfect part of the divine spirit. We are so small and we are greater than the known Universe! We can feel like we are alone but we can remember that we are connected to all other souls and share unconditional love for each other… YOU are amazing and a blessing to me and to our Universe!

Do Your best to remember who you really are! You are a miracle! You are perfect in your seeming imperfections. Take responsibility and make good choices as you move through this human experience of life… AND, wherever possible share your story and your wisdom with the unconditional love from your heart and soul! Be a beacon for the good that is possible in every way possible!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Relationship Commitment: Till Death Due You Part

Relationship commitment, especially marriage, may not be fully understood when people enter into this commitment. I was married at 33 years of age, for the first and only time, and I had NO idea what being married for “Life” could possibly mean. I never really considered the “end game” of marriage…

“Till death do us part” is a part of some traditional wedding vows. This signifies that the married couple intend to spend the remainder of their lives together – They will be parted only by death. “Part” – note that it is used as a verb in this instance. S: (v) separate, part, split (go one’s own way; move apart) ”
(From: https://english.stackexchange.com)

My marriage lasted almost 28 years and this “commitment” ended when my wife “transitioned” from this life. It was a transition I thought I was prepared for because we were given her “Terminal diagnosis” 8 and 1/2 years prior to her passing over. One of my challenges after her death, was to understand the “Void” that was created when my life partner of 30 years was not physically in my world. This is not a unique experience. Many people have learned the lessons from “losing” a close friend, or a spouse, or a family member where there had been an official or unofficial commitment. How DO You prepare for this situation? Personally, I admit that when we got married in the Summer of 1984, I had never a remote thought about the “end game.” There are only two ways out of a real marriage which include death or divorce. The two difficult “D’s.” This is not meant to prevent people from considering the commitment of marriage or deep relationships. It IS meant to create awareness and higher consciousness regarding the bonding process and the lessons we all learn from these.

The illness which afflicted my wife (ovarian cancer) and our relationship gave us a chance to grow closer. We weathered many challenging “storms” together and learned much from this experience. This is NOT always the case. For some, leaving a difficult situation with a partner seems like a useful strategy but this never crossed my mind. But remember, the most stressful things in life come when you deeply care or love another person, friend, child, relative, or spouse, AND you have NO control over what happens to this person. Parents know the anxiety, and the rewards, of sending their child out into the world.

You were guided into a relationship with another human partner with no guarantees that you or they or the relationship would last forever. “Forever” is a long time and is too linear. (And, time is a whole other topic for spiritual conversation and belief.) You love, or deeply care, for a person and in being “Human,” there are NO guarantees… They might leave you or get sick and need caring for, or they might need to die. The BEAUTY in all this remains in the fact that you took a risk and were meant to have a relationship with another pilgrim (person) so you both, and all people in your greater community, can learn from this life experience. Not like in the movies where “they live happily ever-after” but in the REAL challenges in living in human form. A range of strong emotions happen. Compromises happen. Communication happens and when this is good communication we learn and refine our perspectives on life. You must be ready and aware of the relationships and the commitment you have been guided to have. This is a huge part of why you are here, in this life, and the lessons you have “agreed” to have…

Love Deeply! Follow your passion! Take a risk! Dance like no one is watching! If you ever meet my beautiful bride in this life as a spirit or in the higher realms, bask in the light of an angel. Death is NOT the enemy, it seems to happen to everyone at some point. Soak in all the unconditional love you find in every “perfect soul” you bump into as you tumble in the warm dryer called life.

AND, if you are challenged by the difficult lessons of relationships in this life, be willing to share your story and the wisdom you have experienced. You are a Master with wisdom from your life’s experience to share.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Born A New!

Everyday you awaken from your sleep state, you are “re born” and you are able to bless your day and start fresh. You have a choice to live differently with every new day. (At least, you have a choice to have a different, perhaps more positive, attitude toward your life.) Perhaps today (or tomorrow) you are born into less judgement of yourself and others. Or, perhaps you are born to live in love and be of service. You are free to know “Joy” and carry less fear and old baggage around with you. You are born again to be the “awakened” and most fully conscious soul which dwells within your core.

You can continue to wear your costume of torment. YOU can choose your familiar attitudes and lifestyle. It may seem safe and familiar even though you are not filled with joy. Or, you can try on a new way of being in this world. You have a “CHOICE.” Sure, the other people in your life have grown comfortable with the “old you” and may be uncomfortable if you choose to live in love and joy. This may not reflect well on their sorry self-judging lives but YOU have a choice!

Wake up in the morning and meditate FIRST! Consider how much love you can offer and how much acceptance you can find for the struggling or damaged people you bump into. We are all born into the lessons we have chosen to be challenged by and to learn from. Wake up and know that the Beginners Mind of Wonderment is a choice as a filter to view your world.

You may even want to remind yourself of this freedom to awaken in a new consciousness everyday as you repeat to yourself, “Today, I am born new!”

You are only responsible for how you react to each experience. Remember that as you choose a positive, more conscious, way of living, you not only help yourself, you help all the Divine Consciousness. By raising your vibration, you raise all vibrations. Be the beacon of love and light to shine as a model for others who are consciously or unconsciously on their path… You are a blessing! Do not miss any opportunity to share love.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Your Goal in the New Year!

Yes, You have a Goal for this New Year! Whether you consciously know this or not, You are here to Serve! Sure your ego and brain, filled with thoughts of Judgement and Separation, think/believe that your survival and preservation are most important! Perhaps you consider the “Me First” philosophy you see from our leaders and on the media to be your goal or purpose… But, self-preservation is NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE! The experiences you have had, and the ones you will have, are the lessons you have come here (into this life) to learn. Your body’s purpose is to find and experience these lessons AND then to share the wisdom you have found in these challenges. (BTW: If you think your personal survival IS the purpose of your life, guess what, there is no chance your are going to live/survive forever… There is an ending of this incarnation. No way out of it…)

Your body is your communication device. You get to feel the pain and to learn from it. You get to feel the pleasure and find ways to share it. You are given the brain to perceive your learnings from the “encounters” you stumble upon! Then you must find a way to be the “Master” that you are, and to share the insights gained and to offer support to your fellow pilgrims as your goal (and purpose.) We are all on the path to higher consciousness which will eventually lead to enlightenment. You serve best by reaching out your hand to connect with the travelers you meet on your path and to assist them in their (and your) development!

Some believe that we are all actors in a “play” called life. We play off each other in the roles we have chosen. (Be responsible and do not think that these roles were “assigned” and not that you have not agreed to play these parts…) (Yup, you chose this life and these lessons!) Taking responsibility is the first step toward awareness and then joy. If you are a “victim” then you will not control your life and only look for sympathy as attention. You are so much more powerful than that and your goal is so much more important than your “petty” existence in this life. Every person you bump into is “YOU” because we are all part of a much larger, Universal, Divine Spirit! We are all in this together. By reaching out and helping each other, we are actually assisting the character you are now playing in this performance. So do not take yourself so seriously and miss the opportunity to enjoy the Academy Award winning roles of the supporting actors you encounter! They are perfect! They are brilliant in their roles. AND, they are You!

This coming year, you can begin to wake up and to remember the real purpose you came here to achieve. You can begin to remember the great wisdom that can be found within your heart and soul. You can begin to see the connections rather than judge the separation. You may even begin to feel the unconditional love that is shining all around your perfect, beautiful spirit! Try forgiveness and compassion. Attempt to release the judgements which separate you from all the souls you bump into so you offer inclusion and connection. YOU can chose love and connection over fear! AND, you can continue to chose Love over and over until you do not have to chose this because you will be “living” in Love and finding your way to enlightenment. Perhaps you will find that a true, authentic hug is the very best gift you can give.

YOU are a Blessing! You are here to learn and to serve! You will remember that YOU are a Master! Your goal is to find ways to serve!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog