Sharing Your Love

Today, I am considering two friends who are facing life threatening health challenges. As I get older, this seems to happen more often in the world of people I know. My consideration goes to, have I done enough? Have I shared my love? Will there be a feeling of guilt or unfinished business if I should not get another opportunity to speak with these friends ever again, in this lifetime? How should I handle leaving every interaction so no unfinished business is left unsaid? (Should I drop “should” from my considerations?) Perhaps, I am suppose to learn something from having unfinished business. (Should I drop “supposed” from by consciousness and just “Do?”) This makes me laugh but there is “a lot to unpack” in these considerations and I have never used the expression “unpack” before in my postings.

Relationships and interactions can be very complicated. If you are not “sleep walking” through your life, you can become aware of the major reactions and the minor subtleties which occur during and after each encounter. For me, being consciously aware of the learnings possible from each interaction is a great opportunity to learn and to develop. So, I ask again, what could I have learned from my time with my friends which may be the “last” time I interact with them? A simple answer is Do Not Leave My Love Unexpressed… And, how do I deal with my lesson regarding the vacuum created by the loss, or possible loss, of my friend? In my past postings, you may have found that my attitude regarding death and dying is different from the standard cultural response. Death is inevitable. Death is NOT the enemy. No escaping it. And, I can cheer for the soul who is letting go of their human existence even if this creates a huge hole in my life. My sadness and grief is for MY LOSS. They are in a “better place.” I am left behind to deal with the hole in my life.

What is MY lesson from considering the loss of a friend? How can this change the way I look at my life and, possibly, my behaviors? There are no coincidences. There are no accidents. Things happen for a reason though these “reasons” may not be fully, consciously, understood. Life is a series of experiences that you can learn from and build upon, if you even believe in sequential time… (Being “fully present” is a whole other blog posting…) Living is complicated and multi-dimensional. There are so many dimensions your human mind can not be fully conscious of all of these “happenings.” I have been told that the human conscious brain realizes, consciously, only a small fraction of what is going through your brain. Maybe less than 5% of what the brain is dealing with… And, the human brain, in its limitations of 3 dimensions, is only dealing with a very small percentage of what is occurring in our immediate Universe. Wow, so my thoughts and my feelings of each human interaction is only registering in my limited consciousness to only a small fraction of what is actually, “fully,” happening. (I am getting confused even as I attempt to write and convey the thoughts/feelings I am having.)

Time, if you even believe in time, is limited. Our shared time with the people we interact with and care about is limited. It is a part of the challenge we have living as human beings. Below the surface of Universal interactions, there lies a sophisticated and complicated series of wisdom testing experiences we have chosen (at some deeper, soul level) to participate within. Every interaction and every moment is precious. It is better to Bless each Soul we meet for the perfection WE are. (Because they are we…) Perhaps, when we reach an enlightened state, we can “Accept” and even find Joy in each experience we find along our path through our human lives. Easier said than done, for me. And, something to strive to accomplish…

My two friends who are in a fragile state of physical well being are such lovely souls that my human self honors the value they have as they walk this Earth. They are bastions of Love and Wisdom. To me, they seem to serve with every breath they take. Our world is a better place with these souls walking amongst us. The world, even our Universe, is a better place with YOU walking amongst us. Thank you for being YOU! And, in case I forget to say this, I Love You!

Be vigilant in every interaction that, where possible, you leave no unfinished business. This awareness identifies you as developing a higher consciousness, acceptance, and moves you closer to a level of human enlightenment, which we have all come here, to this life, to strive to accomplish…

Life is a Sh-t Show and…

Pretty dramatic to get your attention. And, Yes, you can put lipstick on a pig… but, it is still a pig… Personally, I do not have anything against pigs and I think that they may have a less desirable view in some people’s minds. In fact, pigs are perfect. A creation of the Divine Spirit who serve a purpose in the greater scheme of things but in my culture, they seem to be dirty bottom feeders. Hey, that could be said for many humans who walk the planet Earth with an inflated belief that somehow they are “better” than a pig… But, that is not what this posting is about.

You can strive to make life seem joy filled and fun. I believe that one of our main purposes in living as humans is to be aware and to look for the Joy in EVERY situation we encounter. There is Joy to be found in even the darkest of challenges and under the largest rocks which may seem to block your path through life. The most painful life experiences can teach the most important lessons and, if we are most fully conscious, we can find ways to share the wisdom we learn from these possibly troubling times, even if what we can share is what NOT to do. Many people walk around with the “life is wonderful” filter on the way they look at life’s travails. Bless them! Some people use the “life is a pain filled shit show” filter as they move through even the most lovely events. Bless Them!

There are peaceful souls who constantly look for Peace in our world. Bless them! There are anxious, angry, depressed people who manage to only consider the limitations in their lives. Bless Them! Every way you view the people and situations you encounter, attempt to remember that we are ALL Perfect and children of the Divine Spirit. We came to our lives with the agreement that we would mix it up in the Adventure Travel experience call human life in a limited 3 dimensional world. Why? Because this is where our experiences lie. We come to test our Divine Wisdom and to assist the people we come into contact with to move through their lessons and challenges. Even if we disagree with another person (or worse…,) they are here to challenge us and we are here to serve them and their learning. (Wow, I am using the word “challenges” a lot…)

Life is NOT easy or always fun. If you seek constant Joy then this may be an unattainable expectation if you hold this belief. (Unless, you are fully ascended master walking the Earth in mortal form. If so, then this posting will make “perfect” sense to you and you will accept it fully.) Think about your life. It has been a series of challenges. Some people would think you are a hero or saint for just surviving the life you have lived. And, some of us do not survive our life’s experiences for one reason or another and everyone who has known these shorter lived folks has lessons to learn about being fragile in human form. Even the most joyful days like getting married or giving birth or even graduating from school has difficult lessons to experience over the horizon. As an example, there are only two ways to get out of a marriage and we do not often fully consider these on our wedding days. Yes, you guessed it. Getting out of a marriage takes the form of either death or divorce and most people find these transitions to be challenging as learning experiences. If you have ever had children, or know people who have had children, or were a child at some point of your life, you recognize that only in the movies or on TV do you ever escape with the experience of families in the “living happily ever after” fictional account of human lives. There is always “DRAMA!” No exceptions… Even if you pretend to not care or to not notice.

I am not trying to discourage you from living your life and seeking fun and Joy. Go for it! And, consider that we have come here into our current lives for the “test” of being human. (Perhaps, I should say that we are living in human form to “test” out the wisdom we have acquired.) Honestly, Life is a Shit Show and we would do best to Bless it. Life is filled with “Miracles” and amazing adventures. Life in the Heavenly higher Dimensions is wonderful but “boring” without the tests and the limitations we experience in human form.

You are Amazing! Thank you for being you and for choosing to come into human life to be challenged. (There again, using the word “challenged” yet again…) Please remember to be aware and conscious so you can share your learned wisdom with other pilgrims. Your guides, your ancestors, and all Divine Beings are rooting for you and supporting you as you follow your life’s path. And, no matter how “bad” a life experience appears to be judged, there is much to learn and to take away from this experience.

P.S. Life is a Shit Show is a very dramatic, attention getting series of words. Many people live lives that are much more secure and settled than the people who are suffering in this world. It is perspective and opinion which would define the real depth of what a “shit show” would look like. Your perspective and your opinion is the only one which matters. You are the one living in your life. And, many of us do not acknowledge the truly good or the absolutely difficult occurrences in our lives. Denial is useful. Over statement of our happinesses and successes is not uncommon. As you strive for the highest levels of consciousness, you can find balance and equanimity in either extreme and then live the life which offers you the very best path. You have a choice on how YOU respond to every interaction and experience. No matter what seems to happen in this life YOU are perfect and you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. And, you have a choice so if you are not satisfied then change things up.

Do you like seeing horror movies? Many people find these escapes from their realities as entertaining. Many people like riding on roller coasters which are exciting and seemingly dangerous. Like skiing off the top of an icy mountain, these “thrill rides” are enjoyable partially because you have to be focused on the present moment to survive. In our daily lives, our minds can wonder off into the complexities while dealing with past and future concerns. Our human brains do not often enjoy staying in the “present.” In “real life,” you may consider the human challenges as a “shit show” or you may find the challenges exciting and the “test” of your wisdom that they are, from a conscious perspective. Please, strive for increasing consciousness in yourself and those you interact with.

You have read this far. Thank you for hanging in there. Though life can be difficult and a real challenge, take some time and energy to consider that life is a Miracle. Living is amazing! And, when your consciousness allows, know that you are Perfect. The Divine Spirit is manifested in every cell of your incredible body. No matter where you choose to tread, look for the Joy and all the Miracles which surround you. And, thank you for being you.
You are Loved!


There are many activities where you can meditate with your eyes open. Some people call this a form of Zen Meditation. Painting a wall is near the top of my Zen Meditation activities which I have experienced. There is a repetitive activity where 90% of the wall’s surface can be painted without a great deal of rational thought. A smooth even hand can allow for an easy flow of paint upon the surface. This can be satisfying because you get to see a result and, barring errors, you are often making a positive difference in the world. BUT, is it superficial and shallow as a positive difference you are making? Covering the surface of the wall with another surface can be aesthetically pleasing to many observers. And, surface painting is by definition shallow. It does not get to the very core of many of life’s mysteries…

There has been an Eastern meditative activity which can fit for wall painting summed up in an expression you may have heard. “Chop wood and carry water” has been said to describe the benefit of mundane, routine tasks… “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; after enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. — Zen proverb” (A more complete discussion can be found at: Painting in a relatively mindless way, with your thoughts in a neutral state, can lead to being present and maybe some self-reflection. You can allow yourself to get “lost” in a simple task, like painting, and find peace of mind. And, a simple task which allows you to find yourself into a “present” moment and is a humbling activity, for most people.

Wall painting requires preparation. Preparation of the wall’s surface. Preparation of your materials. Preparation of your physical self with proper clothes. And, preparation of the mental/emotional self to most fully participate in and enjoy the process of wall painting. Many people actually really enjoy the activity for their own personal reasons. In the book, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” Mark Twain told a part of the story by having Tom cleverly get help “whitewashing” a fence. Friends wanted to help in the process so badly, Tom was able to get them to pay for the privilege of painting the fence. This is a work of fiction and there is some truth to the attractiveness of the simple task of painting a surface. Obviously, if it is done professionally and is a skill learned over time, it is more like work than the “fun” that Tom Sawyer was selling.

In life, have you ever “whitewashed” over some aspects of your life to create an appearance of change? A superficial change can look different but this may only run “skin deep.” And, even a skin deep change in perspective may turn your life around, under certain circumstances. I am the last one to judge whether your life change is superficial or one deep to your core. The awareness of whether you are taking full responsibility for your activities or responses in this life or working most deeply on tackling the changes needed in your life is really up to you. You know when you are just masking over the real challenges in your life. You are the one learning and growing from these life experiences and whether you are using integrity in dealing with the issues which affect other people.

In truth, from my history of wall painting, I have been told more than once by professional wall painters that I should NOT be a professional wall painter because I do not have the correct temperament for painting. I am a bit too hyperactive. But, for several minutes, I can focus really well and do a great job at wall painting. After that, things get a little rough. When I am moving too fast, I have been known to step in my paint tray and track painted footprints where they should not go… Maybe, someday, I will slow down and be more methodical. Or, maybe, I am not good wall painting material by personality… It should also been said about me that I do not do superficial very well, at least a lot of the time. “Hi. How are you? A lot of weather we are having…” (An example of “small talk” that I am not good at…)

Seeing a freshly painted room is amazing. A fresh start is often a good thing to experience. Now, what will you do with this new created space???… Everyone needs a “fresh start” from time to time. Looking new or fresh can change your personal attitude. Maybe you have more self-confidence. Perhaps your superficial external change is an attention getting device. Changing your exterior can change your mood. I have a story. In college I took an adolescent psychology class. Being a Psychology major this did not seem unusual. We were given an assignment. Since adolescents are transitioning from being children into growing into an adult stage, most new things they attempt are designed to test the waters of being a bit older. So, I decided to take on this project by changing my exterior self. I had always wanted to try “white face” as a clown. I used white face and painted a sad clown face on my face and went to the shopping Mall in town. I walked around wondering what reaction I would get being so unusual for the shoppers. Most people avoided eye contact and looked uncomfortable with this odd presentation. Only two people approached me and they did not care to connect with me or ask why I was looking like a sad clown. What they were curious about is where I had gotten the white face make up. My sad exterior began to sink in and emotionally I began to take on this persona. There is no way I could have expected that this silly makeup would make me feel deeply sad. Do other costumes affect the way people feel? A suit, a tie, high heels, blue jeans, tee shirts, football helmets…

I learned a lot about myself and how my “costume” can create a reaction emotionally and perhaps a “statement” about who I am attempting to be in the world.

You will engage in activities today. Some will be critical and important, so stay focused. Some will be simple or mundane and perhaps turn meditative. What are the “painting activities” of your life? Can you appreciate the simple things as you chop wood and carry water?

The “simple” tasks are important, though seemingly basic. Appreciate the moment. Find your way into being present. And, consider even the most superficial acts as a possible doorway into a state of meditative consciousness which can have value. You are a Miracle. Consider what a miraculous thing it is to paint a wall with ALL that goes into that seemingly simple act… And, if you do not want someone stepping in a paint tray and tracking footprints around, you want to ask someone other than me for assistance with your painting project.

You are NOT superficial. You are perfect. You are a miracle. And, whether you have been told this or not, you are loved. The Divine Spirit burns bright within you.

BTW… If you have read this far, I want you to know that my son and I recently painted every wall in a new home. It was an effort that I did out of love for my son and his family. It made a difference and is an experience which we shared. When you offer an act of service it benefits both sides of the equation. Even a simple task can add value to your relationship in ways that only time will tell. Appreciate every act of service given to you AND everyone you perform. These are Life’s unspoken miracles, much of the time.

You are Amazing!


“Nature, I Do Not See What People See in It!” Yes, this is a quote from someone I know but who I do not understand. Yes, they were serious when they said this! How can you exist without a passion for the natural world? I was raised in the city. Los Angeles, CA and with parents who were “city folk.” Not much family time in nature, however, I caught a severe case of nature love when I was picking through tide pools or fishing in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. When I could drive, I went camping and took up backpacking into those mountains. I love being at or near timberline where elevation makes it difficult for trees to grow. 9,200-9,400 feet of elevation in the central Sierra’s for timberline. The place where trees stop and rock, glaciers, and blue sky begin to take over. “God’s Cathedral,” I once exclaimed at the age 25 in Evolution Meadow at 9300 feet above sea level. It was a Spiritual experience for a very “rational” non-religious, non-spiritual young man. I was overcome!

As an adult, I shared my mountain passion with my sons and took them backpacking. My younger son had his “rites of passage” hike into the Minarets just west of Devil’s Postpile and Mammoth. My heart dances in the red rocks of Sedona, Colorado, Zion, and Bryce. The coast, the islands, the lakes, the rivers, and the mountains of the Pacific Northwest are celebrated and where I choose to live my spiritual evolution these days. But, I still wonder why people do not bask in full appreciation of the natural world. It is in our DNA. And, I do not know a spiritual teacher, who I respect, who does not say that gratitude and meditations in nature are good for the soul. Some of my best messages from my Guidance have come from walks in nature… (Just like this one, triggered by hikes in the Red Rocks of Sedona, AZ.)

How can people detach from nature and let their fear/anxiety of the unknown trigger their ambivalence to our natural heritage? The healing energy of forests in the Northwest give me a needed break from our technology driven culture. Yes, I admit to talking to my friends the Cedar trees and will hug them on many occasions. “Tree Hugger” is NOT a negative in my life… I have taught, with love, my grandson to appreciate and hug the trees we pass. (No eye rolls from my son or his bride, but they do get entertained…)

There are many who believe that worshipping our natural world is an important key to spiritual consciousness and physical healing. I will not argue with this belief though I am not sure that I can demand this action by others. You must find your own way to honor the DNA of your body and its deep rooted connection with our Mother Earth. Walk gently and honor your Mother.

One thing I have not said yet in this Love Nature conversation encourages me to find deep appreciation and gratitude for nature by being most “Present.” Perhaps getting out of your head and into your heart. Letting go the past thoughts and future unknowns. Yes, be fully in this moment and celebrate in wonderment of the miracles under your feet, at arms length, off in the distance… And while you are at it, consider focusing your eyes, when safe to do so, on the horizon, not just down on your feet. Breathe in the delicious colors, smells, and sounds of your natural environment. Lose yourself as a tiny speck of matter and energy in this big Universe and appreciate the perfection and all the inter-connections.

You do not have trek to natural beauty found in guide books. You can find the miracles of nature everywhere. In your backyard, in your city’s streets, in expansive sky above you, everywhere you look with appreciation. There is not a spot on our Earth where amazing beauty of nature can not be found. Example, Viktor Frankl found the incredible beauty of life living in a blade of grass during World War II as a prisoner in Auschwitz and this helped him survive. And yes, you sometimes have to look pretty hard to find the miracles which endlessly surround you…

Connecting with nature, no matter how YOU do it, is a positive, healing event. It opens you up to the Gratitude of the many Miracles our world includes. Appreciation and Gratitude are the first parts of meditations that re-connect you to the “present moment” and the manifestation of the Divine Spirit. In my belief and feelings, people who profess consciousness find it natural to love our natural world. Celebrate Mother earth and share the beauty with whomever you hold dear. And also celebrate, anyone who is breathing even if you do not hold them dear for they are also natural miracles. Because, they are You and Perfect like You. No, you do not have to hug trees but if that inspiration flares up, do not hesitate. It feels great!

You are amazing! As you set aside your human drama for a few moments, go out and dance in love with Nature. It will surely love you back.

There is no place as magical as Yellowstone National Park. Yes this is a bison with birds in a meadow near “Old Faithful” geyser in the early morning. The steam is rising from thermal pools and this day, like your day, is filled with miracles… Celebrate the Miracles you find in every moment and with every step you take. This is easier when you out in the amazing natural world…

Perspective: Revisited

Viewing Life from Higher or Lower Places

On a recent trip to Bryce Canyon and Sedona, I awoke one evening and considered my travels and the perspective which I found most attractive. In reviewing my photographs taken on this trip, I found that my favorites were photos taken from a higher perspective. The ones I considered the most expansive were the photos taken from on top of the cliffs I visited. The openness of the sky and the incredible perspective of viewing a broad range of natural beauty seemed to really speak to me. When I hiked in the canyons, I enjoyed looking up, seeing the rock formations and the effects of the carving by rivers, winds, and glaciers, AND, this perspective was amazing as well. Natural beauty is a Divine gift to appreciate and to experience. The “overlooks” were the ones I found I wanted to photograph and to share the most.

What does this say about my perspective? Is taking a broader view more appealing to me for a reason or just an unconscious aesthetic attraction? Expansive views of bright blue skies and red rock cliffs were very seductive to for me on these travels. My appreciation is not unique. There were plenty of other travelers enjoying these overlooks and views. An appreciation also now considers that the roads to these overviews were created by people driven to share these amazing sights. These builders put so much effort into building these roads and trails which lead the way to this higher perspective of the natural beauties in our world. What drove these engineers and builders to work so hard in these challenging physical environments for the sake of pilgrims on the road?

Overlooking the Earth’s treasures from higher perspective adds so much to an appreciation for our lives which often seemed so locked into lower perspectives. We often find ourselves looking at and living within the valleys of our lives and looking up. There is great beauty to be seen AND we sometimes seem required to gain the higher perspective and to experience the broader perspective possible…

A “Higher Perspective” is also a metaphor which applies to the way we think and feel. “Taking the High Road” is an expression which suggests that one does not get caught in a lower perspective which may include anger, fear, anxiety and is often more narrow or even self-centered in focus. Is “Higher” always better? This may depend upon the challenge and learning in life that is being experienced. I have learned more from my mistakes and the hard times in my life than when things seemed easy and rolling along in a seemingly positive successful way. In this perspective, I could say that the low times and the valleys of my life offered important lessons and experiences which allowed me to better appreciate the “happier” times. We all need diverse perspectives in our lives.

An example from a hike near Sedona, AZ to the top of Doe Mesa.

View from the top of Doe Mesa

Your perspective changes as you move along your path through life. Early on, your perspective includes “Wonderment” for everything is new and special in your young expanding consciousness. In adolescence, you fight to be in control of your life, even if you are not quite ready to take on this responsibility. Later, as an adult, you may overlook the miracles which present themselves because you are so busy doing seemingly “important” things and you have “done stuff” so you may be jaded. But, often you will come around again to the perspective of Wonderment, where life again is filled with amazing and unique experiences. If you are not consciously developing consciousness then as you approach the end of your current incarnation you live in fear and anxiety or maybe “find religion” so you can satisfy your need for unknowable answers which are lacking when you are consciously unconscious. Wow, perspective at this time allows for very different worldly lessons and experiences. Again, looking up from life’s canyons versus looking out from a “higher perspective.”

Your life is full of choices. Your number one choice is to take responsibility for your life. You can live from the perspective of being a victim. These lessons are interesting and may be of service to the other people you interact with however, you can more freely steer your own ship if you understand, appreciate and move forward as the responsible leader of your life’s experiences. Learn from the darker times and share your learned wisdoms. ALWAYS look to serve. Coming from the perspective of looking to serve, without “strings attached,” is a huge step toward living in a state of higher consciousness. A Higher Perspective for sure…

And, living in darkness, under a rock, as a victim, or controlled by addictions to the dramas of your life is a spectacular way to test your learned or remembered wisdoms. Your interactions will feed off the human dramas we have come into the human life to experience. You may have agreed to assist other souls with their lessons. You may be testing to refine your own past life transgressions or possibly the issues of your ancestors. There is no past or future, but the human mind may understand things in a linear way with its limitations of the three dimensional perspective, so, past ancestors’ issues may seem to exist for you to attempt to “clean up.” Lots to consider and very far afield in this posting.

Whatever you choose to use as your perspective in life, it is PERFECT! You are where you are supposed to be… And, at some point, at any point, you can choose to view life, and live life, from a different perspective…
And, whether you know it or not, YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being you…

No Coincidences

There are No Coincidences. Every interaction has a purpose. Pay attention to your intuition, your “gut feelings,” and hopefully to your Guidance. When you have interactions with other people, animals, plant life, and environments, if you pay attention and remain “present,” you may experience the “value” of the interactions which you were allowed to have. There will be times when these interactions are specifically for your learning and there are times when your part of the interaction is to serve another soul’s learning experience. Either way, both offer important value for your spiritual evolution, if you are paying attention. When an experience seems accidental, it is not an accident. When something “Fateful” occurs, it is not a completely innocent occurrence. Often, we just “write off” an unusual event or interaction, when a deeper interpretation would have value for the possible learning or sharing of wisdom.

Even with people we have great difficulty in relating to or in darker, difficult experiences, we can find a message which can be of service to our developing consciousness. So consider, that every interaction is sacred. The value may not come as easily observable. We may have to dig deep to find the love and the joy which bathes us in more challenging situations. The possible service we provide as we find ourselves interacting has value for both sides of this equation.

When we avoid having interactions we can slow down our spiritual evolution. Yes, sometimes a quiet retreat seems necessary and important, however our “test” comes when we are able to use our acquired or “remembered” wisdom in the crucible of an interaction. The gift of life as a human comes when we are challenged by experiences and the drama which human interaction allows. So, “mix it up!” Do not hide from life’s experiences, as if we could hide… And, do not be lazy, thinking that you should not pay attention even when things, especially when events/interactions, seem to be mere coincidences. If you ignore these learnings by not taking these seriously, then you are destined to repeat this experience from a different perspective… (And, destiny does not always wait for when you think you may be ready for this experiential learning. You are ready…)

Make no mistake, I am not saying that every interaction is a consciously planned event for your learning. At least, it is not planned by our human minds. The Divine Spirit’s planning is often above your human conscious pay grade. Some people believe that every interaction on the human plane is agreed upon before we enter into our lives. I can not prove or disprove this belief. We do have “free choice” and flexibility. However, we will experience what we have come here to experience even if we seemingly avoid the learning at one point. (It will pop up again at another point in our life’s pilgrimage.) And, you are not a victim because certain choices led you into the difficult situations. So look for and find the Joy from the lessons and then you can move on… Share the wisdom you gain and always look to be of service.

Never miss an opportunity to say “Thank You.” Greet people with respect and a Smile. Offer sincere compliments freely. LOOK for the perfection of the soul standing in front of you and think (or communicate,) “Namaste.” A “struggling” person you interact with is offering you an opportunity to serve by gently reaching out in a positive, loving way. You are more powerful and perfect than your human mind may allow you to believe and you are a representation of the Divine Spirit. Perform your miracle of sharing the path with fellow pilgrims while finding gratitude for all the beauty you experience. (AND, look first for the Beauty and Joy in life…)

AND, it is NO coincidence that you are reading this blog. It was written from my guidance for YOU!
You are a Miracle!

Right after posting this blog this morning, I drove up to the trailhead for the Boynton Canyon Vortex in Sedona, AZ. Walked up the trail and got to the Vortex with a small number of other interested folks. I looked around and took some pics. Then, I sat in the shade and meditated. Then I got up with a “feeling” that I should check out the Vortex more closely. I walked over to the “Vortex” and watched some activities. An older guy named, Robert, appeared and enthusiastically presented me with a heart shaped red rock. He launched into a lively sermon regarding getting out of your mind and into your heart and then raising consciousness. Wow, it was GREAT! I agreed with him and he climbed the rock spire above the vortex, like a Mountain goat, and sat and played his flute. It was spectacular. While I was taking this all in, it struck me like a bolt of lightening that my Guidance had provided this “No Coincidences” experiences to punctuate the posting I had offered this morning. NOT subtle. My heart fills with Joy and I am still laughing about this approval of this morning’s post. I Hope you get what you have come here for, as well…
With Love…

Reply from Paula Forget, author of the book: “Guided to the Higher Realms

“Thank you John for sharing your story. You certainly had a memorable experience that had a deep impression on you.
For me, synchronicity is always an affirmative sign from the universe that I am on the right track.

Wishing you many more!



Peace for Everyone! Is this possible? Sure it is, AND… Our language fails us again. We can get painted into a corner by using words which mean so many things to so many people. I have used the statement, “for every truth, the opposite is equally true,” to describe that whatever you believe to be true from a different perspective almost anything can be “felt,” if not “proven,” to be “true.” Yes, even the seemingly opposite of your “truth.” Words like Love, Death, Heaven, Hell, Integrity, Truthfulness, Honesty, and now, Peace can mean different things to different people. We may want to feel that important words which convey important things are absolute and not caught in a game of semantics but they are. And, getting back to the point of this posting, Peace for Everyone is possible. In fact, if we shed the wrappings of fear, anxiety, dogmatism, and mistrust, we can all feel the deepest sense of Divine Peace.

Divine Peace is within each of us. We do not have to look externally for this. In fact, if we do attempt to find Peace externally, we may find confusion which may be, by some people’s definition, the opposite of peace. My definition of “Peace,” which will NOT do it justice, is the experience of our perfect souls/spirits fully connected to the Divine Consciousness. It is the part of us which is a hologram of the Divine. It is our internal God force. It is our true essence. And, it is beyond full human understanding because it’s full comprehension is far beyond our 3 dimensional human thinking. Divine Love and Consciousness can not be fully, adequately, defined in words or completely felt by human senses (except perhaps in brief flashes of awakening and enlightenment.) As an example, I once experienced Divine Unconditional Love for an instant. I will never forget how great this felt for that instant. This experience is burned deeply into my consciousness and yet, I can not recall the full depth of this Unconditional Divine Love. My mind is not capable of “knowing” the full scope of what this is due to the limitations of being a 3 dimensional human. And, I know that when I am not in my human incarnation, I will be free to live in this unconditional Love.

However, most people define Peace differently. A lack of conflict between people or nations or religions (or beliefs or politics or philosophies) is how most people might seem to view human peacefulness. Perhaps, it is defined as a moment in time without distraction or troubling thought. Perhaps, it is a measurable physical lack of movement or disruption. Perhaps, it is a deeper level of Meditation which seems to step away from normal life activities (and this might be the closest sense of the Divine.) I agree that many of these human definitions of peace fit within my language better than the concept of Divine Peace. We can be limited by language. For example, how does language describe the fragrance of a flower or baking bread. A great deal is lost when using language to define emotions or feelings. In English, we compare and contrast to attempt to box in an idea or a feeling in to a manageable concept. We can use sentences telling our communication partner what a thing is Not. Peace is often described as Not War or conflict. But, deep Peace is something more…

Everyone can find Divine Peace within. It is a “stretch” and many of us are not geared to look inside for the Peace which is possible. “Peace on Earth” is possible by my definition but may not be a 24/7 sustainable concept because human life and distractions can get in the way. It is something to strive for. For me, the concept of “Enlightenment” may be a step toward living in a more abundant state of Peace. And, if we as humanity were more fully engaged in the search for consciousness and Enlightenment, we would have, by my definition, be a much more Peaceful World.

In my opinion, we can move toward deeper personal peace by: being fully “present,” quieting our minds, breathing slowly and consciously, and pursuing a meditative awareness which allows a release of fear and embraces a Divine state of consciousness. All easier said than done. Intention and practice can assist you in bringing this into your life. I focus on the concept of Divine Love. I slowly breathe this Love in and then send this Love from my heart out to the Universe as a positive focusing tool which can lead me to a greater sense of Peace. This has taken me time and effort to be able to achieve especially in the quieting of my active mind. There might be reasons to struggle with finding deep Divine Peace and this is a personal struggle which is a part of why we came into our incarnations. A “test” in developing the Divine Wisdom we have come into our incarnations to experience, to “Remember,” and to expand.

For me, there is also the knowing/feeling that we are all perfect as souls of the Divine. As we take on our lives and the “roles” in the drama of life we play, our minds and ego may lose touch with deeper perfection of who we really are. When we re-discover or “remember” who we are and where we have come from, we are closer to knowing and remembering the Divine Peace which we have within. Consider how you might turn this light back on as a human test (challenge) while living in your human body in your human drama filled life. This is what we came here to experience so try not to consider this state of drama to be “bad” or evil. It is just what is and a part of our learning. YOU are a Blessing and celebrated for coming into the “testing ground” for higher consciousness on the field of human drama!

In my belief and understanding, peace is possible for everyone. Striving to find and know Peace is an act which moves us toward Enlightenment and spiritual wisdom. This “heaven on Earth” can be approached and achieved by most of us but the desire and the intent is often obscure or lacking. Waking up to this possibility is a message which can be shared and supported when we find people pursuing this focused direction. Where possible, hang out with individuals who are on this path not as a political, religious, or purely mental exercise but as an honest individual pilgrimage toward higher consciousness.

No matter what your beliefs are regarding these words and concepts, YOU are Perfect! You are a Miracle! You are an important piece of the Divine Consciousness. Thank you for being YOU!

I Found a Feather

Today, on my morning walk, I found a feather. Or, should I change perspective and say that this morning a feather found me. Have you ever spotted a feather as you move about our world? Sure, you have. Did you pick it up in wonderment and consider where it came from and to where it was headed? Did you take it with you as a treasured gift from the Universe and wonder why YOU?

I consider this feather a “Gift” from the Universe (or the Divine Spirit.) The feather represents flight and travel and a lightness. Did this feather want to continue its travels or did it want to spend time with me? I wonder whether feathers have consciousness. Are they objects which create an opportunity for an interaction with something new to me? This feather came home with me and will find its way in the company of other feathers which have found me. Their connection and community cause me to consider whether other lives as indigenous people attracts me to collecting these feathers. But, why?

The awareness of this gift is not mine alone. Freedom to fly or to travel through life comes to the surface of my consciousness. Why, today? In the next few days the Autumnal Equinox will occur. Jewish New Years started two days ago. The 20th anniversary of my Mother’s transition is tomorrow (as I write.) the 20th anniversary of 9/11/2001 is in 2 days (as I write.) Fall is beginning to fall. My birthday season is beginning as I look to celebrate 71 years in this body. My kids are moving tomorrow into their newish home. My friend’s birthday is today as well as his celebration of life. (He transitioned 6 months ago.) Life goes on and there are many adventures that have occurred historically for me at this time of year. So, emotionally and spiritually things are bouncing around in the great warm dryer called life… Tumbling and changing.

I will wear this feather treasure to the celebration of life today for my friend and mentor, Don Ley. The feather may help give flight to all the wise souls which have danced with his. He always taught me, as my mentor, that “we are so much greater than we can know as the humans we are…” We are spiritual souls having a human experience. I add, to test our remembered and learned wisdoms in the limitations of our 3 dimensional human lives. Every moment, life is a treasure…

And, you have your own personal experience and perspective on what the finding of feather may represent. All I ask is that you do not skip over this connection without some deeper consideration and then share the possible insights or learnings you may receive. Walk consciously and share your story. Do not pass by the “Gifts” the Universe provides for you, if at all possible. Today, this found feather will travel to a ceremony with me and allow me to travel more consciously in the world of Spirit.

You are a Blessing! Life is a miracle! Find the Joy in every moment and Love freely with NO strings attached.

BTW. I honor my friend and mentor, Don Ley, by offering my interview with Don of his NDE (Near Death Experience.) There is so much to learn by listening or maybe to “Remember” by Don’s story sharing. Video at: Don Ley’s NDE Interview Video


Are we all “Adrift” as we plod along our path through our pilgrimage in life? And, “when we make a plan, God laughs.” We can pretend to be in “control.” As we drift down the “River of Life,” are we in control or freely floating wherever the current takes us? How is the consideration of being adrift in our lives useful to contemplate? And, if this thought brings up anxiety for you, what is the lesson you could benefit from considering?

Definitions of the concept/word “Adrift:”
1. so as to float without being either moored or steered.
2. failing to reach a target or winning position.


Definition of adrift
1. without motive power and without anchor or mooring a boat adrift on the sea
2. without ties, guidance, or security people morally adrift
3. free from restraint or support

No matter which definition you would choose, the common thread seems to be a lack of connection to something “more solid or considered successful.” And, is this something to strive for or to avoid? There are times in my life when being too connected meant that I was tied down and restrained from the freedom of moving willy-nilly about my life. Sometimes this is good and sometimes not so good, but always adding to the adventure of life. Consider, sometimes we have to “let go” and allow ourselves to drift into a life experience without perfect control or a solid support. This can make this life experience an adventure as we flow most freely down the River of Life. Our left brain and ego rarely enjoy this free floating due to fear/anxiety regarding where we are being “taken.” When we get swept up in falling in Love with another imperfect human, we can be aware of a lack of control over where the current will lead us… And yet, we often embrace this emotional adventure.

Life would be less fun if we “had to be in control” of every turn on the road of life. Being “swept away” or adrift in the current can be an intense learning, or testing, experience. Sometimes we just have to jump in this river and flow with it, trust in it, and find joy in the uncontrolled escapade. Life is a miracle and Joy can be found in the unplanned occurrences we venture through. A lack of security or support can become intense and important challenges in our brief human lives. We can learn from these times. We can develop new consciousness and wisdoms. If we survive, in our human forms, we can then be role models or mentors to other people we encounter and so serve by raising the consciousness of these souls we bump into.

Adrift can sound frightening to our survival based ego brains. To our spirit, it can be a leap into the Divine.

There are no easy answers. You must live your life in your own unique way. No one else can tell you the “best” way to behave or to live. You find this out on your own as you drift through life. Guidance, Love and support from the Divine is within you, if you choose to quiet yourself, be present, pay attention, and are willing to follow what is possible. Know yourself (easier said than done.) When you feel “Adrift,” from a much broader perspective, you find yourself in a wonderful adventure that unconsciously is needed and perhaps even desired. “Go for it!” And, of course, take responsibility for any seemingly mis-adventures you have swum yourself into…

When you find yourself adrift, feel the creative forces flowing. Know that you are not alone. You are loved and cherished. You can NOT make any mistakes which are not perfect and important for you to experience (though not always easy or fun…) There is much to learn when we can “let go” and trust the Divine Spirit. This may be the foundation for the reality of being “Adrift” in the Higher Realms and where we have come from and where we will return… AND, when you make a “Plan” to follow in your life, be unsurprised when your human planning goes awry. The deviation from your considered path has potentially high value as life experience. (This is why many of us, at some point in our human lives, like to venture into the unknown as a “thrill ride” in the amusement park called life.) When you find yourself adrift in the rapids of the River of Life, consider the possible choices you made to get you to this seemingly precarious thrill ride and consider the significant lesson you are to learn from this amazing turn of events…

Please understand, if you have read this far, I am not saying “NO” to life planning. Plans are great. Plans are fun and help you to focus your available time, energy and resources. Just do not take yourself and your plan too seriously so that you feel emotionally crushed if your plan does not work out as well as you wanted. The deviation from your planning may turn into a wonderful possible direction and you will learn many things along the way. So, be open and available to all that might occur as you float down your river of life. Being “present” and most aware are your helpful tools in these experiences. No matter what happens, YOU are amazing!

You are a Miracle. Whether you know this or not, you have come into your life to experience the adventure of living with the limitations of living as a human in 3 dimensions. You get to test your wisdom and to learn from human experiences. In many ways, you are never really “adrift” but perhaps flowing down your path toward some Divine escapades. There is a belief by some, who consider that your life’s events and learnings were an agreement created before you came into your current life as a way to learn your specific lessons and to assist other souls where your adventures overlap. This would be very difficult to prove but it is worth some consideration. Perhaps your guides and the ancestors of your lineage will be the unseen mentors which actually prevent you actually being “adrift” as they guide and support you and your journey of learning through your current incarnation. (Again, this is difficult to prove but does it feel like there is truth in this possibility. For me, there is a gut feeling of possible truth…) For myself, I have a very strong feeling that I have been guided and protected through the travails experienced in my life. (I am open and available to feel the guidance and brave enough to trust it…)

On the occasion where you may feel Adrift, please consider the possible lessons you can learn from this challenge. Share this wisdom when it is possible as an act of service for other people drifting through their lives.

Thank you for your time and consideration. You are Loved!


How do YOU choose to Live? I have been told, and believe, that in our human incarnations we have “free will.” We can make choices. In every situation we find our way into, we have choices on what to do and how to react to what is perceived regarding this situation. We can choose to be responsible for our behaviors and our circumstances. Or, we can choose to act as if we are victims. We control and choose how we react, at some level, and how we choose to respond. And, no matter what, we can choose to learn from every interaction we participate within. When we find ourselves in a difficult, even a dangerous, challenge can we learn from it and take responsibility for what occurs? It is sometimes not easy to take responsibility when our lives are confronted by less than ideal situations. (But, what good does it do to find blame?)

You have a choice to live in Love and Light and to find Joy and Miracles in your life. From a different perspective, you have the choice to look for the negative or the pain or the victimhood in almost any interaction. Which do you most commonly choose? And, Why? Life is not always a magical, lovely experience. There are insights to find when the road seems dark. In fact, in my life, I can say that I have learned more from my mistakes and difficult experiences than I have learned from times which seemed easy and when things have gone as well as expected. My life has been blessed with experiences you can define as easy/good and many which are difficult and pain filled. We have all had these as bumps in our road through life. How YOU choose to perceive and to learn from the “hard times” is up to you. But, try this on… Life is a miracle filled with amazing gifts and joys! You do have to look for these, especially when the emotional road seems darkened by difficult relations.

Let me ask you a question. If you knew you had only a few months to live, what would you choose to do with your remaining time in this life? Stop for a minute and really allow this concept to find its way into your waking consciousness. And, answering this question, why are you NOT doing these end of life optional activities with your life NOW!??? Consider the excuses you are using and ask yourself if you can LIVE with these reasons for not living the life you might want. Sure, you can not always drop out of current life to run willy nilly into another life. However, you can consider your options and find motivation to move in a different direction. Would you have regrets if at the end of your life you did not get to do certain things? Why are you choosing to not do these experiences? Life is for living. Choose to live in the Light and to find Joy!

The amazing power we have as humans is to make choices. We often live lives of quiet desperation where we do not challenge ourselves and sit back while life seems to happen to us. This is a choice! You have awareness and this power to choose to do your life differently. Most of us, need to do some research, make a new life plan, and take steps to follow through even when we may lack some of the new skills required and good support. We have all done this in some fashion. When I left home, for good, at the age of 19, I had no idea where this would lead. I worked three jobs and saved money. I turned 20 in Europe. When I returned from this travel, I moved 400 miles from where I grew up. No regrets. And, no excuses or what ifs… This is what I wanted and needed to do at that time in my life. Without a lot of family or work responsibility this was fairly easy compared with some people’s situations. And, it takes a driven commitment to jump into a new life. My move was driven by frustration and anger with my environment and the politics of that time. It takes some consideration but you can choose to do your life differently. Sometimes the smallest awareness can lead to a tiny change which can lead to a much larger lifestyle shift. Just know that you can make new choices. This alone gives you power. AND, where ever you are in your life, YOU made the choices, at some level, to be in your current situation. And, it has been useful for your learning, even if, you learned what not to do… (Human life is NEVER going to be perfect or always easy. It is tough and that is why we are here, in this life, to be challenged to find wisdom and joy even when our lives are difficult.)

You made the choice to read this posting all the way to this point. You found these words and you made the effort to read them. These choices alone prove that you are open and willing to consider what is possible in life! Consider how incredible it is to be open to searching for alternative choices. Yes, you even have to be brave to allow these words to find their way into your consciousness. AND, you have allowed yourself to be open enough to consider these ideas. Imagine how brave all pioneers are when they set out on their life changing adventures, traveling into unknown territory. For what ever their motivation for change is, they have pushed through doubt and made their choices. Adventures always make for possible learnings and great stories, so remember to share your adventure travels through life. Yes, even if what you have to share is what NOT to do. Yes, you have the choice to share your stories…

And Yes, YOU are a miracle. No matter how you choose to react to these words, you are amazing and a Blessing!

Thanks JJ Joshua. For JJ’s Thoughtful Thursday video reminder regarding your choice for how you live follow this link for inspiration: