Are You One of the Volunteers?

Have you ever felt like you do not belong here or that you do not fit in? Are you a little bit (or a lot) different than the “standard” people you work with or went to school with or, even, who are in your family? Maybe you are different. Maybe you are not from around here… Perhaps you are one of the “Volunteers” who have come to this time and place with a “higher calling.” There are some “conscious” people who believe that this time in human history, souls from other parts of the Universe have come to Earth to assist in raising “vibrations” and consciousness so humanity can keep from destroying itself and damaging the Earth.

Some of these “volunteers” are “waking up.” They are “remembering” their soul’s perfection and the greater power and consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of our normal and limiting 3 dimensional human existence. This remembering includes remembering or “knowing” the oneness with all souls in the Universe. And, the feeling of the true “unconditional Love of the Divine Spirit.” Or, the freedom from human’s time and space limitations. The full acceptance that the Divine Spirit has for all of its creations. And, additionally, the access to all Divine Wisdom. For ages we have been told that this is “Enlightenment” or a part of the ascension after completing our lives here on Earth. Perhaps this is more available to us if we just “wake up.”

There is an 8 minute parable regarding this concept of volunteers coming to Earth to assist with consciousness raising. If this YouTube video is available, you can check this out and share with other conscious friends. This experience is based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at: “The Volunteers” (Skip the pop up Ad, it is not part of the story.)

Did you watch the video? Do you resonate with this perspective? If so, who do you know who you are going to share this with and so assist them in their waking up? And, what are you going to do the assist in raising consciousness and spiritual vibrations on Earth? The more people who can become conscious and the more the vibration can be raised, the faster these positive transitions can occur for humanity. Please consider how you can get the word out or, at the very least, be the role model of the fully enlightened soul you are. Act like you are more than the limited 3 dimensional character you are playing in the drama called life on Earth.

Every day, perhaps every moment, look for the Joy in the lesson you are learning from the challenge you are currently living. Yes, Joy in the most difficult, or even painful, lesson. You are a Master of your Journey. AND, You are Loved for being who you are!

There is no definitive way of proving, or disproving, the theory regarding the “Volunteers” that I know of… Regardless as to whether this is an optimistic fantasy or possible, it is always a good idea to increase our awareness and to “wake up.” Enhancing our empathy and consciousness is more and more necessary in our overcrowded world. Raising our conscious vibrations, learning equanimity, being “present,” and reducing our desire for crippling judgements makes good sense in our modern world. Never give up on what is essential… growing in consciousness and finding ways to be of service. Share Love. Share your wisdom. Find Joy even in difficult challenges. Remember where you came from and where you will return.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

There Are Times In Your Life

There are times in your life when you need to pay attention! There are times in your life when you can easily find happiness and joy. And, there are times in your life when you have to look very deeply to find the “Joy” when you can easily judge this life event as challenging and even painful.

When you were young, you would look at certain events and embrace the expectation of impending happiness. You might look forward to your birthday or to Christmas or to Summer vacation expecting the fun and the happiness of what would come. Perhaps there was a graduation or a certain trip which would trigger expectations of happiness. Perhaps, a “knowing” that a certain gift was coming and your joyful anticipation left you excited and full of happiness. Certainly, there have been major transitions on your calendar which created assumptions of joyful happiness like: family gatherings, weddings, births of your children, and anniversaries of your treasured relationships.

Happiness is different than Joy! Happiness is an emotional response. What triggers happiness is often superficial compared to what might trigger Joy. Joy is the deepest level of celebration in the soul.

There is always a flip side. Not to be viewed or assumed to be dark or negative but major events that challenge you. These events challenge you to find the “Joy,” though maybe bittersweet, in the transition you find yourself. Highly conscious people will search for, and find, the “Joy” in even the most difficult life situation. Consideration of the Joy in the unfortunate times is more than a simple art form, it is critical in learning from the arduous life experiences we survive.

Yes, there is a flip side to most every life experience. Lonely Birthday’s or Birthday’s celebrated late in life can be bittersweet. Reflecting back on the more innocent early times can be a reflection of what constantly changes in our lives. Christmas or holiday times when missing a loved one can be filled with pressured expectations of the happiness which may be more difficult to achieve. As we age, Summer vacations may be more a test for us as we control our anxiety and work to control some of the negative expectations which may haunt us. Even weddings and anniversaries can cause us to pause and reflect on what has changed in our innocence and the way we view our past youthful naivety.

However, even the most difficult life experiences can be viewed with the discovery of “Joy.” Even in the vacuum created by the loss of relationships or even the death of a life partner or friend, you can find the life message that grows out of these challenges and celebrate this difficult lesson for the “Joy” that can come. The appreciation of life and the memories of past experiences are given perspective which can become “teaching moments” and so wisdom to share. Your purpose in coming to this life is to learn and to grow and to serve other souls you meet along the way. If you have survived a challenging time, even of great loss of relationship, there is a message to share. AND, you are here, in this life, to share your wisdom born out the drama you have survived. Find the “Joy” in every moment, even the seemingly “darker” moments and you walk the path of consciousness and “Enlightenment.”

An example from my life… After marriage of nearly 28 years, my life partner transitioned after living with her terminal Ovarian cancer diagnosis for 8+ years. Difficult times for us, our families, our children, and our friends. I would NOT wish this experience on anyone. I would not trade this experience, in retrospect, for some other possible fantasy ending. My wife and I became so much closer. Our love was tested and not only survived, but grew. My lessons as the “survivor” have changed my life and my appreciation of living, and dying. The wisdoms I was forced to learn have been shared with many people AND these acts of service have created a burning light which leads the way for many other souls who have been touched by our story. This is the JOY which is born from life’s challenges. This is the Joy you must seek from the difficult experiences you are surviving.

These challenges are the times in Your life that are there to teach you. By expanding your consciousness and learning, you can find your Joy in sharing your hard earned wisdom…

Do not get me wrong, every moment, yes, every moment is Joyful! You have to sometimes work a bit harder to find the meaning and the Joy in the lesson you are learning. Finding the Joy in the more difficult dramas is the act of Enlightened Living. It is time to “Wake UP!”

May the Blessings of Insights in Consciousness blossom most freely for you and find ways of manifesting in your sweet lives! (A message from Guidance.)

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Is It Time? More Importantly, Is It Your Time?

Everyone finds the “Right” Time for themselves! At some point in your life, or in another incarnation, we must find the connection with the Divine Spirit in a more fully conscious way. Some people might believe that this is “Enlightenment” or, at the very least a step toward Enlightenment. Recently, a new friend claimed that now, in early 2020, we are stepping into an exciting stage of human consciousness where we open our hearts and souls to reconnecting, consciously, with the Divine Spirit. So, I ask YOU again, Is It Time for you to step forward and away from the fear, anger, anxiety of your mind and ego???

This new stage of development has been shared with me from many sources, of late. In December 2019, I attended a “channeled” visit with “Mother Mary” who suggested the “Time of Magic” was unfolding making it easier to connect with guidance of the Divine. From many sources this message repeats. Time will tell if this is accurate… Of course, if you believe in “time.” From their own disciplines and in their own ways, many “new age” spokespersons are announcing this new consciousness born from the ashes of our cultural, religious, quasi-spiritual, and philosophical belief systems. The “Rational Era” of mental understanding is finding its way, partially through Quantum Physics, to “know” the unexplainable in a different, less rational, way.

The words to describe Divine’s unconditional love, acceptance, and connectedness do not do justice to these concepts or feelings. Our three dimensional explanations are too limiting. People who return from a visit to the Divine after having a Near Death Experience (NDE) can NOT find words or the best way to share their experiences. The feelings of these communication attempts often feels “familiar” to the witnesses because we have all died and been reborn into our current lives. “Past Lives” may not be past lives at all. (Perhaps, time and space are illusions for a simple three dimensional “understanding.”) Some consider linear time a mental construct and we are living in multiple lives simultaneously. (That is a lot to consider, but perhaps we are as limited as our limited conscious minds currently allow.) Perhaps, in fact, We are “greater” than our egos allow us to believe because we are a perfect hologram of the perfection which is the Divine Spirit.

So, what do we do with this information or feeling? It is time to allow an “opening of the Heart and Soul.” It is time to feel the Divine within us and NOT just think about it. To “Know” and to “Remember” our perfection and Divinity is to release attachments to our Drama. Or, the roles we are engaged in playing in this current incarnation are perfect in their imperfections. Our lessons are the challenges we have signed up to experience. So we must be responsible for the choices we have made not as an excuse but as a way to move forward at the highest levels of consciousness. YOU are a Miracle!

Look for the “Magic” and the Guidance that comes from your heart and your soul. Do not Fear change or death, for this can get in your way… There is No Death, only a transition back into the higher realms and your next learning experience. Along the way, remember we are all in this together and finding ways to lovingly support your fellow travelers is an act of service which ends up serving you, and all the rest of us. Be the Beacon of Love and Light you came here to be!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

What Did YOU Get From Meeting a Master?

Bear with me, please. In 2015, the Masters of the Journey community came to life. The premise for this project came from “Guidance” which indicated that people need ways to connect and to be supported by fellow consciousness seekers. It was also indicated that whether we know, and acknowledge, it or not, we are ALL Masters of our journey through life and into higher consciousness. Our mind/egos like to keep us “small” so we are not targets by standing in the light our brilliance can create… So, YOU are a Master. Like it or not! In many of our community’s gathering we share our stories of personal awareness through a small group interchange called the “Triad Process.” This was indicated by Guidance as a tool for connecting people and focusing upon experiences which have led to higher consciousness. BUT, this is not just a Masters of the Journey formula. It is a formula for connecting with everyone you meet and hopefully, finding the value of this interaction, no matter how subtle…

The Triad Process:
First, it is most important to realize that whomever you meet has a soul which has been around since the dawn of Divine Consciousness. (Though some people may seem like they have stood on the sidelines too much and perhaps have not “jumped into the river of life’s changes” as much as they could have. Jumping in is scary!) When you look into someone’s eyes please remember that they are sacred and Masters of their life. (No one can do their life and be in their role in the drama of life better than they can…) If you “Judge” them, you do yourself a disservice. If you look down on them and consider that they are Not Your equal, you may lose the value of this interaction and demonstrate that your current incarnation has a ways to go for the “Enlightenment” you seek. (This seeking may be a conscious seeking or an unconscious seeking, dependent on how Conscious You are.) If you allow your consciousness to reach its potential, you will understand that there is much to gain from any and every interaction. Even if the interaction “Triggers” you into an upset, this can be a “Learning” experience.

Second, because the individual you are sitting (or standing) in front of is a Master, you can best learn to be the “Witness” who can add most to this interaction by being the listener. Your focus on your speaker, or storyteller, is critical. Consuming this “story” without Judgement or your interruption is a great skill to develop. Why? Because in our culture this “Listening” skill has been bred out of us. We are often taught to interrupt and assert “Our” story so our insecurity can take control of the conversation… Taking this control we often lose the wisdom which is being given to us by our communication partner. We can not “look between the lines” to find the “Lesson” we were meant to experience from this interchange if we interrupt. Please Know that being a “Witness” in respect of the storyteller is one of the Greatest Gifts you can offer another person. Allowing your partner to share their wisdom through their story requires patience and offers the storyteller the opportunity to practice or the reliving of their story/experience which they are gifting you by sharing. This “Respect” is not shared enough by the “Me First” attitude in our culture AND interrupting does not breed respect in return. People LOVE to be heard and this is a great gift!

BTW: With the Holidays, you may find yourself confined in a home with friends and family you have successfully avoided for much of the year. Consider this an opportunity to Give the Gift of witnessing the shared stories that are the family legacies. Yes, even, or especially, if you have heard them told many times. Your gift is being a witness. Your lesson is to learn what it is in these re-tellings that is most important for you to learn and to grow… These are a Blessing! Thanks for listening to these tales yet again…

Third, the act of looking into the “Masters” eyes helps you to focus and demonstrates the respect you have. There may be a need to ask a “Clarifying question” to assist the storyteller, if you are not fully understanding their communication. Please curtail your need to interject your story into this conversation and in so doing, redirect the conversation. YOU are looking for the “Pearls of Wisdom” and insights coming out of this interaction. Remember, if this “Triggers” you then there is an important lesson for YOU in this interaction. Equanimity and non-Judgement are skills to develop along the way toward Enlightenment. Honor the Master in front of you! (If you had trekked high into the mountains to sit in front of a “Holy Person” to gain their Wisdom, you would listen carefully and respectfully. That person may not be wearing robes or a tailored suit but you would honor them. This is the same for the “Holy Person” who sits in front of you even though you have NOT had to trek high into the mountains in search of this wisdom…)

Finally, ask yourself, What is the one thing YOU got out of this engagement? What did YOU find of “VALUE?” Even if this exchange with another Master took the form, only, of a shared smile! There are NO accidents in our Universe, some will say. Each seemingly random interaction, has happened for a reason. Maybe it was for YOU. Maybe it was you participating in a random act to benefit another soul’s learning. You are Essential. You are a Master! Careful respect for every soul you bump into, in the warm drier of life, is there as a service. Honor this!

And, as Abraham Hicks has channelled to us, (Thank you Robert for sharing,) “No one Gets Who You ARE!” Your greatness in following the path you are moving along, is not known by the people you pass. On Earth we are limited by our 3 Dimensional world. In the Higher Realms, everyone knows everyone’s business through instantaneous psychic communication, (there are No Lies (thanks Paula Forget, author of, “Guided to the Higher Realms”)) but here on Earth you have NOT walked a mile in their shoes. You can not fully know what they have been through to get them to the representation of the role they are playing in this life! For you, the lesson is DO NOT Live Your Life for another person’s values. Do NOT try to be something you are Not! Do Not expect to be liked or understood! You are Perfect! You are a Master! Be authentic! Be Your Self! Be the bright light which offers guidance to other souls whose lesson has them looking like they are struggling in the Darkness. Perhaps their seeming struggle is a chance for you to serve them and to experience another of Your lessons.

We are ALL in this together. Reach around and take the hands of the next soul you meet. Let them know that they are NOT alone in a way to support them and their learning. AND, every opportunity you get to bask in the light of passion coming from the person in front of you, honor them and bask in their light and passion. You never fully know what value this will have for YOU, for them, and for the future people you will bump into.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Living Your Life Includes Considering the Legacy You Leave

How can you follow your path through Life without a Plan? Sure you can do this one day at a time. Or, One moment at a time, BUT… I ask you to consider getting your “EGO” out of the way, easier said than done, and ask yourself how YOU want to be remembered in this Life. As if YOU were writing your own eulogy. (Definition of Eulogy: a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.) So, how would you like to be remembered? I am asking not for an accounting all the things YOU have acquired like money, wealth, expensive toys, property, or work related projects… I am asking about your legacy for how you have “Served” your community in “Human” terms. Did you Live most “fully?” Did you Love completely? Did you support your fellow pilgrims on their path through life? Was this a family pursuit or spread out to “strangers” in a wider community? Were you “Known” to have patience, a great sense of humor, integrity to follow through on promises, to listen without judgement or interruptions, for your gentleness and compassion, for your friendships, for your wisdom sharing….?

When people met you, did they get more from you than they gave, maybe only your time and respectful consideration? Did people you encountered love your beaming smile and possibly your “no strings attached” embrace? Did you brighten the day? Did you Lead as a positive role model? Did you invite creativity and encourage others to express theirs? Did your family and friends feel unconditionally loved and respected? Did you live your life as if “you were dancing while no one was watching?” Would people say about you, that there times when you put someone else’s “needs” ahead of your own? Were you thought of as a “Hero” because you led others through dark times?

If you donated money and got your name on the wing of the community hospital, that is great, BUT… was your act of charity sincere or for the recognition your “EGO” required. Donating is NOT BAD but you can notice your intention and then consider whether this was an act of selflessness.

Please take time and consider how YOU want to be remembered as the human soul who walked through your unique life. You CAN NOT GET THIS WRONG! There is no “wrong” way to live. Perhaps, though, you can consider if you lived as “fully” as possible and if you found the best ways to “serve” your fellow pilgrims… Expand your consciousness, for that is what we are all about in living our lives and this consciousness can focus on how we can best take the hands of fellow travelers to assist them to get to their next level of enlightenment. By serving them you serve all the Divine Spirit, and you serve yourself. (The act of service is a healing for the soul who provides service, especially if they do this service from their hearts without strings attached.) Be innocent, open, and guided by a pure heart… (Again, easier said than done.)

You are Loved! You are a Miracle! There is NO WAY to Screw This Up! You are perfect! AND, so is every soul/spirit you bump up against, even if they “push your buttons. (Being “triggered” is your lesson…)

So, write your own Eulogy. Then LIVE it! Be the person in this life you would want to be remembered as being! You will be remembered for your deeds more than for the “toys” you have acquired. So consider your “plan” and follow it to be the “Best you can Be.” The way you live your life, is the legacy you will leave… YOU are a Blessing!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Joy in Life’s Challenges

Have you ever set a difficult challenge for yourself and celebrated when you accomplished your goal? Perhaps you wanted to run a 10K footrace. Or, you wanted to lose 20 lbs. Or, you want to master a piece of music and perform it for an audience. What if you set a very difficult challenge and you did NOT succeed or meet your goal? Was the effort and attempting to push your limits worthwhile and a “stretch” which made this effort worth your time and energy? Testing yourself and attempting to “stretch” your limitations is often the most important learning you can have. Life, yes your life, is full of challenges which can ask you to “stretch” and can feel difficult, even painful. The most painful challenges are often the most satisfying when you can achieve your goal. Even when you fail, you can learn, and grow, a lot.

Living can have its painful lessons. We can find the lessons useful and these can broaden our confidence or experience, at the very least. The challenge is to find “Joy” in each experience, even the most difficult. Life is about taking risks and “Stretching” ourselves. Safely sitting on the couch doing familiar activities does not create the learning experiences which can move us forward. When we learn and “grow” we have more to share and stories which, when shared, makes our lives more interesting. Sure, the successes may be more fun to retell but the difficult experiences can have great, if not greater, value to our witnesses. (Perhaps of what NOT to do…)

Everyday is a miracle! You can wake up in a mundane life and have the possibility of stretching yourself and having a most unusual experience or learning opportunity. Look for the Joy in each day, each moment, each interaction so you can celebrate at the end of your day and bask in these treasures at the end of this life. No regrets, live each day…

Pain is something that happens in living. Your “suffering” is optional and your creation. You CAN make the best of any, and every, difficult situation. You can find the Joy in each experience and celebrate the learning and growth you can find in life’s experiences, particularly in life’s challenges. One personal example, after 19 years of marriage, my wife, and my life’s partner, was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. Though I would NOT wish this on anyone, our experience for 8.5 years made us closer and taught me so many important lessons that I cherish these days. It had traumatic moments and incredibly loving moments. The experience made us closer. When my wife finally transitioned from our life together, I discovered a void that I could not have ever known before and learned valuable information which I share when the situation presents itself. My ability to serve has increased tremendously.

I challenge YOU to find the Joy in each experience you are lucky enough to experience. Ask each experience and each interaction, what have I come here to learn and how can I be of service to others from the message I have received?

You are a Miracle! You are a Unique Blessing! Thank you for being you and traveling this path to higher consciousness!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

YOU are Loved, Unconditionally!

Chances are good, if you knew what Divine Unconditional Love really feels like you would have to be fully Enlightened, possibly a Near Death Survivor, or an Earth Angel. Perhaps you can get closer to remembering by careful consideration of what is involved in Divine Unconditional Love. Stories have been shared by NDE’ers (Near Death Survivors), some prophets and saints, and by Highly Enlightened people which better help to define the Divine Spirit.

Start by considering these possible sensations (which words do NOT adequately define.) Try and imagine being surrounded by warmth and embraced by total acceptance. There would be a feeling of freedom without 3 dimensional limitations of time and space. You would be able to know your connection with the Divine Spirit and all others souls. Even inanimate materials would be conscious and connected and a part of you. You have access to all wisdom and 100% honesty is the only practice. You are everywhere because everywhere is you. So no boundaries or limitations.

This is more difficult to describe or to label than explaining the smell of a rose or the perfect sound of musical note. This is more difficult than trying to describe human love. Yet, it is more than just a feeling. It is the reality that fills the space between atoms and all the space of the Universe, and beyond. There are moments when for a fraction of a second you may be graced with this “Knowing.” When I was 19 years old, I stumbled upon this sensation, or this Knowing, by mere chance during a guided meditation. I was Blessed to have this brief glimpse into what fills the Divine Spirit. AND, I will never forget this sensation or this brief moment in my life. It has changed me forever, at least forever in this lifetime.

When reading accounts by NDE survivors or when speaking with these survivors, for me these memories are recalled and I resonate with what can be shared, though this is unique to every person and in a limited way (by my perspective.) I know I lack the skill to fully offer this experience to most other people. The people who have had this experience already know what I am attempting to convey. As a result, fear of living is greatly reduced because you are not afraid of dying at the end of your present incarnation. I have come to “Know” that this is not an experience unique to me. It is the same for Everyone. Yes, You! YOU are another piece of the “Whole.” You are embraced in unconditional Divine love.

Perhaps, your life does not feel blessed in this way… One of your lessons in this current life is to work to “Remember” who you are and where you have come from. We like to think we are separate and unique. We are unique but not separate. We are all part of the much larger, inconceivably larger, Divine Spirit. And, you do not have to believe what I am saying. You have freedom to choose. You can deny your Divinity but this does not make it go away.

We are not alone. We are all connected. Every soul you bump into as you travel your path is another manifestation of yourself, in a unique form. You are a Blessing! You are a miracle! You are perfect! Whether you know it or not, you are a Master and your fully conscious Enlightenment is within you! Thank you or being YOU! As you become more aware and more conscious, use your insights and wisdom to be of service to the Universe. Be the beacon of light for others who may be existing in the “dark.” If nothing else, share Love and be a positive role model of consciousness. You are raising all of consciousness through your mortal efforts to “Remember.”

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Appreciation Project

It’s time for appreciation and do not keep this a secret! Find the qualities that you have appreciation for and share these with your partner. No matter what relationship experience you are having, express your “Heart Felt” appreciation in words or actions that are genuine. Though it is difficult to find the words to express your deepest feelings, your sincere energy and intent will wrap your words in the love and the appreciation you are expressing. You may even want to stop and also express sincere “Gratitude” for the moment in time and the lesson you are receiving from this interaction.

Origin of word Appreciation: “To realize/recognize the Value of…” and “to express gratitude/thanks”

This was born from a conversation I was having with my mentor, Robert, who described a request to write a card for his grandsons. These notes of appreciation were requested to create a positive avalanche of “positivity” to overcome the cultural judgements which these boys were subjected to in their lives. We can ALL benefit from an avalanche of positive thoughts AND Feelings. Though feelings are not perfectly conveyed by words, short of excellent poetry, we can bask in the love demonstrated by our attempts at genuine appreciation. Every soul you encounter is a miracle and perfect in their own way. Connect with the benefit which is triggered by your interaction and share your feelings of this benefit.

Judgement and ridicule are way to easy in our culture. We have become masters of the isolating defense mechanism which looks for perceived flaws. Even these flaws can be appreciated for the value these can bring, even if these flaws “push your buttons.” Every interaction is sacred and by celebrating these encounters with your partner, you may offer the gift of the deepest appreciation from the learning you experience. Holding back on sharing what you appreciate reduces the value of you being “present” and in gratitude…

You are a miracle! You are a Blessing! You are Loved! Yes, YOU are a Master, whether you know this consciously or not! Minimize your fears, your ego, and your self-criticism and “Remember” where you came from and where you will return as YOU are an important part of the Divine Spirit! You can even learn to laugh at your self-critical thoughts and learn to accept and then change any imperfection you may feel you have, if you find this necessary. We are here to learn and to grow. We have come to raise our consciousness and move, as gracefully as possible, through the challenges our lives present to us. Looking for the positives to appreciate AND sharing these is an act of “Enlightenment” manifesting in this life…

If you want to start a chain reaction of positivity and support, add acts of appreciation to your daily routine. YES, go out and search for, then find, the qualities you most appreciate in 5 people every single day. Actions speak louder than words, so look to most fully acknowledge an “ACT” you witness. An Act of kindness or an act of unconditional support. Appreciate a teacher, or a parent, or a service provider. Live your enlightenment by sharing love and support through your generous appreciation. Try not to look for a medal or a pat on the back. These will will come anyhow. But, look to serve by your generous offer of appreciation. Make this a game to be copied. Make this a project to encourage the good in the world through sincere appreciation.

Saying “Thank You,” in a sincere way, is an act of service which can ripple across the Universe. Simple for sure… I was told recently from a Near Death Survivor that one of his messages in returning to his body was to remember that the challenges of living are the difficult but important lessons which move us most quickly to full conscious enlightenment. SO, look at the interactions which “trigger” you, appreciate these, and know that you are moving forward in our spiritual development. Share your appreciation and Love where possible!

Can you recognize the Value of the interaction and offer gratitude for this benefit to your learning? This might involve being most fully present without crippling judgement or defensiveness… Add this to your awareness as you bump into other souls throughout your day.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Who Builds the Walls?

Walls are built to protect you from scary or dangerous things. Your protection seems like a really good idea because you might get hurt or killed by forces beyond your control and that would seriously jeopardize your life. But can protection from challenging things be a “good” thing, all the time? And, who builds the walls which protect you? What are these walls actually protecting?

This blog is inspired by guidance and a recent reading of chapter 12 of Michael Singer’s book, “Untethered Soul.” The chapter title is “Taking Down the Walls.” If you have not read Michael Singer’s first book, I recommend it for many reasons. Thanks again to my mentor and Michael Singer student, Paula Forget.

The point of putting up walls for protection can isolate you from “outside” influence and potential pain from the changes that interaction with the Divine Universe can provide. It is safer to be insulated in a world where you are comfortable because you think you know it from its familiarity. Because it has been this way for a while, perhaps a long time, it feels safer and must be protected at all cost. The “hoards” are coming at you from all directions and it feels “good (???),” to build that wall so you are locked in the prison of your own building. Wow, did I say “prison of your own building?” Our fragile self-image or our “dated” opinions have powerful history which can make these seem friendly and familiar but actually can hold us back and imprison us in self-limiting beliefs and attitudes.

Michael Singer’s definition of “Enlightenment” includes the recognition of these self-limiting, historically safe, beliefs and then the willingness to “let go” and to move through the painful challenges of non-judgement guiding you into equanimity with the dramas that may surround you. The “Enlightened” soul observes and does not get “triggered” by the experiences and insights which present themselves. The walls you build to protect your ego or self-image are actually YOUR barrier to awareness and your own accepting the state of “Enlightenment.”

This said, there are risks to breaking the barriers to your own “Enlightenment.” The risks include facing the challenges of changing your self-image, placing the Universal Divine ahead of your self protected ego, and expanding into the unconditional connectedness we have with all the energy of the Universe, and beyond. No guarded “Self” and no need for walls as barriers, release your self-imprisoned definition which “protects” you from true “Joy” and your Divine purpose. Walls are used to protect YOUR Fears and are not really the long term solution. They protect you from the inevitable path you must follow, at some point in your developing consciousness, into the “Light” of Unconditional Love, Connection, and Universal Wisdom. These lead you to true Freedom and Joy!

And, what is the “worst” that can happen? You will transition from this incarnation sooner than your ego wants. The ego’s self-preservation builds judgements and walls which dissolve when you die. And, we all die. No way out. Death is NOT the enemy except for the ego… Your Joy is based on the willingness to not take your life too seriously so you have the freedom to really live, untethered…

Your path will lead you to this realization at some auspicious point in your developing consciousness. Ponder these words and thoughts. Do your own research. Find your own awareness of your self-constructed walls and the process you will use to “let go!” No matter where your search leads you, YOU are not alone! You are greater and more powerful than your ego allows you to realize. You are a Miracle. You are a Blessing! And, whether you know this or not, YOU are a Master!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.

You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

It’s the Journey

It’s the Journey not the Destination. Google and “Quote Investigator” seem to credit Ralph Waldo Emerson for saying, “Life is a Journey, not a Destination.” Whoever and where ever this comes from, today I was triggered by the thought that accomplishing a “Goal” and possibly feeling success is NOT the point of the “exercise.” The point of living your life is experiencing the lessons, the challenges, the people, and the “stretching by doing something new” along the way. Success or failure are NOT the end judgements which offer the most energy. The “energy” comes from the “doing” and the Journey. The adventure is Living life and not simply talking about it. Acting in service or enlightenment instead of just wishing for this highest form of living in our 3 dimensional world.

The Masters of the Journey community was built from Guidance and the appreciation that each of us has much to share. Though spiritually connected, we have lived our unique lives in our unique ways and learned our unique lessons in the process. By sharing YOUR stories you offer the “witness” (the person who listens to your story) a chance to learn from you and your gained wisdom. It offers a unique perspective which can be supportive, perhaps even, life changing. SO, YOUR Journey has value. Not just to you but to the people you “touch.” The real Joy in Life is sharing your story with the wisdom you have gained as a Service to the people you come into contact with and then, “touch.”

An expected or planned success is GREAT but in my life I have learned much more from my failures and painful challenges when things did not go as planned. I am not saying that “whining” about mistakes or hard times is always a beautiful way of sharing. Taking responsibility and acknowledging the role you have played as you expanded your knowledge, wisdom and perspective is the deeper value, for me. You pushed yourself to try something new. You stretched to get out o your comfort zone. You tested new limits and found you have fewer boundaries and self-imposed limitations. This seems to me to be the true journey through the new learnings in this life.

And, the Journey through life IS the main show. Pay attention! You never know what miraculous learning can come from the smallest step or seemingly less important interaction. Besides, appreciation each moment and finding Joy in every amazing connection is so very important. It requires you to be fully present and available to look for and to find the miracles. And, along the way, listen to and learn to trust the small voice of “Guidance” (or your intuition.) It may lead you into important learning experiences. It also helps to keep your head up and your eyes toward the horizon, unless you are very uneven ground. Tread more slowly if your road seems too rocky…

No matter what, consider how amazing and miraculous life is! Feel the Joy even if you find yourself walking on the “dark side of the road.” My mentor, Paula Forget, reminds me that every moment, walking in this current incarnation, is spectacular and offers learnings to celebrate. Attempt to not get caught in the quagmire of the “Drama” in your life and to know that each experience is amazing, even if it can feel challenging or painful. You are here to be challenged, to learn and to grow… You are a Blessing! Nobody can do YOU better than YOU! The Universe needs you and your interpretation of the Divine Spirit manifest!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at