Testing: Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind

Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind, to say yes to one and leave the other behind? Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind…??? Well, welcome to the world of consciousness raising. When you learn and grow, you have to change. You have to change the way you think and how you feel about these certain situations, or people, or attitudes. This can be difficult because it may take you into unfamiliar territory and your “habits” or habitual beliefs may be asked to change. When you are most comfortable with what you have been using in the past, you tend to find difficulty in brand new ways of reacting and “being” in the world. Wow, you have to confront your own safety from your familiar belief system. But, it is worth it! If you do not embrace a change in behavior you may find yourself limited and holding a less than desirable habituated belief which may hold you back in the long run…

You must learn and grow. Why? Because that is what we came here (to this incarnation) to do. To succeed in this you often have to stretch your skin and your comfort zone. You need to try on a new behavior or belief. This is exciting AND sometimes we do not like excitement. The easy familiar ways are threatened and we struggle with adaption, even if this is really good for us. You are on your “Heroes Journey,” when you confront and then move through your life change. You will have a story to tell whether it is easy and feels good or even if you struggle and not quite succeed in your new challenge…

This new story is for your learning but, when shared with other fellow pilgrims, can be of value for some of the people you bump into along your way. They can gain from your perspective and your sharing of your challenges.

Consider embracing change and finding the joy and wisdom even in difficult challenges. An “enlightened” person can “be present” and find joy even when difficult choices or personal pain may be a part of this learning. Fear not the transition of “dying” even though you will leave your current identify and your life’s dramatic role behind. This is inevitable in any case because no one comes out of their present life alive… But, fear can make your drama more difficult. Maintaining your equanimity regarding the most passionate dramas you face is a challenge and worth this effort… Yes, keep your wild emotional swings in balance and do not take yourself, or your story, too seriously. (Wow, easier said than done.)

Live the adventure of your life as consciously as possible. Search for and celebrate every Joy you can find in the challenges and the changes you move through. Look for your opportunity to learn from every experience and person you bump in to on this pilgrimage through this life.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Contagion: Are YOU a Carrier?

As I write in March of 2020, contagion anxiety is rampant in our world. There appears to be a new virus running around the world and there is a Media feeding frenzy to add to our awareness and fear every day 24/7. It has affected our economy and way of life. We even have been told to wash our hands! Brutal! They have implied that it is better for us to walk in nature rather than in the shopping mall and even to avoid mass gatherings like concerts, meetings, conventions, schools, and even, church. Lots of world travel has ground to a halt. But, WE DO NOT NEED to hang 24/7 with the Media for frightening details of things happening far from most neighborhoods. We might even have to use our “Common Sense” (which, sadly, has been bred out of us in the USA by poor education and a general lack of interest.)

But these fearful viral contagions are not really what I want to talk about. There are so many other sources of loud annoying sources of fear based information. What I want to share is about a different kind of contagious behavior which is NOT as fearful or anxiety producing. In fact, it is quite the opposite. I am asking that you consider being “Ground Zero” of a loving and uniting contagion. A contagion of love and support! It spreads by making eye contact and smiling! Better still, make eye contact and be “present” and sincere AND then smile while saying “Thank You. You are a Blessing!” “Thank you for being you!” “You are a Miracle!” “You are Perfect!” YOU are LOVED!” Even without physical contact or a loving, tender hug, you can convey the healing virus of warmth, acceptance, and loving understanding…

After your close emotional and spiritual contact, you DO NOT have to wash yourself down with bleach or disinfectant. Yes, you have shared a moment but you have not raised the anxiety level to code Red! Go take a deep slow breath and reflect on the Divine Spirit’s amazing presence in all people and things. And besides, what is the worst that can happen? Some souls are given their chance to find completion and to transition back to spirit. Sure, their egos and physical persona in this life will not be moving around our three dimensional world and their closest family and friends will find a new experience in grief and mourning within the vacuum which is created but this is part of our life’s challenge. The Divine Spirit blesses all souls whether incarnated or as the free souls dwelling between lives. From my personal experience, I often find a state of “envy” for the freedom, acceptance, and the unconditional love which bathes the disembodied spirits most easily without the limitations of the earthly life.

So here is YOUR challenge. Go out and infect the people you bump into with an unconditional love and respect. Offer the infectious smile and appreciation that your soul can offer. Allow a spiritual connection that carries no harmful viruses but heals with a Golden White Light. Bless YOU and all the positive warmth and energy you can go out and share in this world filled with anxiety! You have the power to make positive changes, one eyeball to eyeball contact at a time. You are a Miracle and a Miracle worker. You are a carrier of healing energy!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

When Wisdom is Wise

I love speaking with people especially when these people have a passion for what they are sharing. I bask in the glow of their excitement and passion even if it is not a good fit for me. Passion is different than Wisdom much of the time. Speaking with people and hearing their stories or listening to memories does not always lead to discovering new Wisdom. There is a skill, born from empathy, which leads one person to share their story where it matches their listening partner’s needs. Your Wisdom may not be wise for another person. And, your interesting story or message may not be as interesting to a distracted communication partner.

I was asked to speak with a man whose younger wife had passed away leaving him to raise a young daughter. Why was this request made of me? Because my life partner, and wife, of nearly 28 years transitioned in early 2012. My struggling friend was attempting to make sense of his family’s loss. We spoke of the vacuum left behind, of which I was very familiar. We spoke about the Spiritual lessons that were available for he and his daughter to learn. My “Wisdom” was to share with him that I had gone through my loss and the grieving process so I could be of service to other people who needed love and support from a “survivor.” I told him to pay attention because he and his daughter would have important lessons, Wisdom, to share at some point in their future.

This example fit for my friend. It offered little in the way of immediate answers but did offer a broader perspective he benefitted from being exposed to. It matched some of his needs. It would have been less effective if my story told him the best way to change a spark plug or how to order online. Yes, Wisdom is in the “eye of the beholder.” No way can I know his pain or his grief or his confusion, but I could support him with my experience of survival and the perspective which I have discovered in this similar type life experience. AND, I learned so much by retelling my story from the perspective of these years since the transition of my bride.

You have value and purpose! You are supposed to offer your support and service to the pilgrims you bump into on your path through this life. When possible, share your knowledge and especially your Wisdom, when your communication partner matches up with your past experience. Your perspective, and this support, is so greatly needed AND you will learn more as you retell your valuable story. Remember, it helps to be empathetic and offer your story if it matches well your partner’s need and if your partner is ready, and willing, to hear it…

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Craving Connections

A message from my Guidance states:

“People come to the Masters of the Journey monthly meetings because they crave “connection.” They crave connection in relationships with other people and with our community. They also crave connections with themselves. They search for connections with their soul deep within. And, finally, people come because they crave connection with the Divine Spirit. They wish to connect with the “source” from which they came and where we will return.”

These connections demand that people reach out and reach in to share love and support for other souls and to nourish their own souls. As we bounce through our lives, we need to bump into other people to be challenged, to learn and to grow, and to test the lessons we have learned. We can NOT do this in a vacuum. We need to interact and to share our stories from life experience. We have come to serve the other souls we meet through these interactions. Each of us needs a witness and some support along our path towards a higher state of consciousness. We need perspective. We need LOVE!

Do not miss your opportunities to connect. Reach out to support others and this will support you. Share your wisdom gained from the life experiences you have had. Where possible tell these stories not just for you but to meet the needs of your connection partner. Your intention of sharing concern and love with another soul is often more important than the actual words from your story but the story offers a place to focus upon.

The act of connecting with other humans in our world is an act where you and your connection partner(s) form an ensemble. This opens many doors for you to explore, and so, to learn from. Yes, there is “Drama” because humans (at least in our culture) seem to love living in Drama. If we were watching a movie or a play, we would expect Drama and be entertained by the characters as they wend their way through the dramatic mischief. Well, that is our lives as well. We can get sucked into the Drama and this creates an opportunity to learn and to grow and possibly even to practice “Equanimity.” Many believe that Equanimity in the face of major life Drama is a demonstration of higher consciousness. That is best judged by the “conscious” participant… The bottom line, you are alive and you can not always avoid Drama, SO, enjoy the ride and learn what you came here to learn…

You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! AND, You are so much greater than your mind and ego allow you to know. Thank you for being YOU! When possible strive to reach out and to connect and to Love your partners in this connection. We all need Love and Connection.

AND, when the small voice of guidance speaks to you, listen! When guidance asks something of you, consider this a “gift” and find your way to follow this guidance. The lesson you will experience is a part of your path and you can not grow without a stretch… With Love!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Remembering the Blessings!

I am posting this blog on January 16th, 2020. This is a message for me, from me, AND for YOU. Eight years ago today, at 8:20 AM, my Bride, Barbara, transitioned from this life. I am Blessed for all of the lessons she has taught me. In fact, I would not be writing this blog or working to create the Masters of the Journey community without this direct influence. Please, DO NOT think or Feel, “Poor John”. I am not a victim! I am a soul, just like you, struggling with life’s amazing challenges. Most of us have experienced the loss of the loved one, a friend, or a relationship. If you have walked this Earth in this life, for any amount of human time, you know how life can change. Times of change are often the most important times of growth and learning.

My Bride transitioned 8 years ago after our 30 years of relationship and after 8 1/2 years of living with Ovarian Cancer. The brutal struggle was filled with Joy and Growth. We grew closer. Our Love seemed to delve into the darkest places of anger, pain, and frustration, yet, it found ways to glow with warmth. For me, the lessons of empathy and the meaning of living while struggling with our human mortality was led by my wife. She demonstrated focus and stubbornness to live as long as she possibly could so her passing-over actually came as a shock to me. Two months before she died from our life together, she asked me to “not forget her” which with a knee-jerk reaction I complied. Not really knowing or understanding this promise which I had made. This is not unusual for me because I am naive about many of the things in this life that I have signed on for.

The void in my life when she moved on was a huge surprise. Though I had 8 1/2 years to prepare, I was taken by surprise. The vacuum in my life was much larger than I could have imagined. This is part of my lesson, my learning, and the message I am here to share. Sure you know that Life is precious. You assume the obvious that my wife of 28 years+ and the mother of my children would be “missed,” but that is not the story. Barbara, in spirit, has guided and protected me since January 16th of 2012. Her “presence” has given me stories to share. She has helped create every act of service I have engaged within. Our shared story lives to be a beacon for others to follow and to learn from.

Never consider any personal loss without reflecting on what you have been asked by the Divine Spirit to gain from a difficult life experience. Find a way to celebrate the Joy of life as you dance through the “mine-field” of life’s challenges. You came here to learn, and even enjoy, the bruises and bumps you find along the way. You chose to create the life you lead with your successes and with your awkward mis-steps… Any losses create the opportunity to appreciate your Blessings and your connections. AND, every person you bump into along the way offers you an opportunity to exchange love and wisdom from experience, even if born out of the pains which accompany you through your mortal life. You are made stronger as you are swept along in the rapids of the River of Life.

Also, find your way to remember the perfection and the Divinity within you. You are a Miracle! Look within to feel, and accept, the guidance of the Divine. It bubbles up, often in a subtle feeling, when you are at the crossroads of your life. You have read this far into this blog post for a reason… You were meant to find this consciousness and to go out and to celebrate the incredible experiences of your life, even with the bumps and bruises. Please share your story and serve by witnessing the story-telling of the souls you meet along the way! Your “Hero’s Journey” continues and your experiences can be of service to the community you live within, if you share YOUR story. By the way, YOU are loved and connected to all the wisdom of the Divine Spirit, just “remember” it and feel it within…

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

I Love You! I will always Love my Bride, Barbara!!!

Is It Time? More Importantly, Is It Your Time?

Everyone finds the “Right” Time for themselves! At some point in your life, or in another incarnation, we must find the connection with the Divine Spirit in a more fully conscious way. Some people might believe that this is “Enlightenment” or, at the very least a step toward Enlightenment. Recently, a new friend claimed that now, in early 2020, we are stepping into an exciting stage of human consciousness where we open our hearts and souls to reconnecting, consciously, with the Divine Spirit. So, I ask YOU again, Is It Time for you to step forward and away from the fear, anger, anxiety of your mind and ego???

This new stage of development has been shared with me from many sources, of late. In December 2019, I attended a “channeled” visit with “Mother Mary” who suggested the “Time of Magic” was unfolding making it easier to connect with guidance of the Divine. From many sources this message repeats. Time will tell if this is accurate… Of course, if you believe in “time.” From their own disciplines and in their own ways, many “new age” spokespersons are announcing this new consciousness born from the ashes of our cultural, religious, quasi-spiritual, and philosophical belief systems. The “Rational Era” of mental understanding is finding its way, partially through Quantum Physics, to “know” the unexplainable in a different, less rational, way.

The words to describe Divine’s unconditional love, acceptance, and connectedness do not do justice to these concepts or feelings. Our three dimensional explanations are too limiting. People who return from a visit to the Divine after having a Near Death Experience (NDE) can NOT find words or the best way to share their experiences. The feelings of these communication attempts often feels “familiar” to the witnesses because we have all died and been reborn into our current lives. “Past Lives” may not be past lives at all. (Perhaps, time and space are illusions for a simple three dimensional “understanding.”) Some consider linear time a mental construct and we are living in multiple lives simultaneously. (That is a lot to consider, but perhaps we are as limited as our limited conscious minds currently allow.) Perhaps, in fact, We are “greater” than our egos allow us to believe because we are a perfect hologram of the perfection which is the Divine Spirit.

So, what do we do with this information or feeling? It is time to allow an “opening of the Heart and Soul.” It is time to feel the Divine within us and NOT just think about it. To “Know” and to “Remember” our perfection and Divinity is to release attachments to our Drama. Or, the roles we are engaged in playing in this current incarnation are perfect in their imperfections. Our lessons are the challenges we have signed up to experience. So we must be responsible for the choices we have made not as an excuse but as a way to move forward at the highest levels of consciousness. YOU are a Miracle!

Look for the “Magic” and the Guidance that comes from your heart and your soul. Do not Fear change or death, for this can get in your way… There is No Death, only a transition back into the higher realms and your next learning experience. Along the way, remember we are all in this together and finding ways to lovingly support your fellow travelers is an act of service which ends up serving you, and all the rest of us. Be the Beacon of Love and Light you came here to be!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Whad’s Dat?

Wonderment… All things are new… When you travel to a new place or visit a new culture, your perspective changes. Things are not familiar. “You are Not in Kansas” anymore. Everything you see and experience may be new to you or at least a different version of what your normal life might look and even feel like. Your eyes are big and bright! Your mouth might drop open in excitement! Your ears strain to listen to the new and different tones and sounds. AND, your mind may ask, “Whad’s Dat???” Translated from 14 month old Mr. Milo’s verbiage to “I am curious. What could that be and how does it work and what do I do with it???…”

Yes, I just had 5 days with my 14 month old grandson, Mr. Milo. His excitement for EVERYTHING makes looking at my world and what I take for granted, much more interesting. His “Wonderment” is infectious as I watched him explore this new alien world which I commonly overlook due familiarity. Yes, even the magnets on the refrigerator have new uses and cause great excitement. They are no longer just holding last week’s shopping list. They are magical objects to be carried and thrown into different corners of the room. My son reported that they do NOT need to buy Mr Milo toys because everything he sees and grabs becomes a new toy to this young explorer.

I have written before, in fact recently, about “Beginners Mind” and living life in the “Wonderment.” We can all be more fully “present” and in a state of mind where everything in nature is exciting and magical. We can remember that it is a “Miracle” that our life exists and the things we see or touch are amazing, often unique, and much of the time not fully explainable. Interacting with other people adds complexity because people can “look” normal but “behave” in very unusual ways. What made “them” the way they are? What happened in their life to them? Its complicated and not possible to fully understand, if you are really open and honest. Every interaction is a “new Toy” for your consciousness. Whad’s Dat? is a question for you to consider regarding what is your lesson from each interaction.

Look at life, YES, every moment as if this moment is unique and special. Each moment is there for you to learn and experience a very special lesson. No matter how “young” YOU are, your senses can absorb the Earthly world we share and from within your heart you can feel the joy bursting bright within you. The mystery may be, what is this lesson and how can I integrate this moment into my consciousness? How then, can I tell the story and share the wisdom gleaned from this moment in time and how might it be important to all of Divine Consciousness???

If you find this difficult, find a 14 month old and participate in their adventure of exploration. Chances are your heart will fill with joy as you watch each new discovery unfold and each new and unique interaction finds its direction. Know that each moment can be seen as unique if you choose to participate in the Joy of “Beginners Mind.”

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

What Did YOU Get From Meeting a Master?

Bear with me, please. In 2015, the Masters of the Journey community came to life. The premise for this project came from “Guidance” which indicated that people need ways to connect and to be supported by fellow consciousness seekers. It was also indicated that whether we know, and acknowledge, it or not, we are ALL Masters of our journey through life and into higher consciousness. Our mind/egos like to keep us “small” so we are not targets by standing in the light our brilliance can create… So, YOU are a Master. Like it or not! In many of our community’s gathering we share our stories of personal awareness through a small group interchange called the “Triad Process.” This was indicated by Guidance as a tool for connecting people and focusing upon experiences which have led to higher consciousness. BUT, this is not just a Masters of the Journey formula. It is a formula for connecting with everyone you meet and hopefully, finding the value of this interaction, no matter how subtle…

The Triad Process:
First, it is most important to realize that whomever you meet has a soul which has been around since the dawn of Divine Consciousness. (Though some people may seem like they have stood on the sidelines too much and perhaps have not “jumped into the river of life’s changes” as much as they could have. Jumping in is scary!) When you look into someone’s eyes please remember that they are sacred and Masters of their life. (No one can do their life and be in their role in the drama of life better than they can…) If you “Judge” them, you do yourself a disservice. If you look down on them and consider that they are Not Your equal, you may lose the value of this interaction and demonstrate that your current incarnation has a ways to go for the “Enlightenment” you seek. (This seeking may be a conscious seeking or an unconscious seeking, dependent on how Conscious You are.) If you allow your consciousness to reach its potential, you will understand that there is much to gain from any and every interaction. Even if the interaction “Triggers” you into an upset, this can be a “Learning” experience.

Second, because the individual you are sitting (or standing) in front of is a Master, you can best learn to be the “Witness” who can add most to this interaction by being the listener. Your focus on your speaker, or storyteller, is critical. Consuming this “story” without Judgement or your interruption is a great skill to develop. Why? Because in our culture this “Listening” skill has been bred out of us. We are often taught to interrupt and assert “Our” story so our insecurity can take control of the conversation… Taking this control we often lose the wisdom which is being given to us by our communication partner. We can not “look between the lines” to find the “Lesson” we were meant to experience from this interchange if we interrupt. Please Know that being a “Witness” in respect of the storyteller is one of the Greatest Gifts you can offer another person. Allowing your partner to share their wisdom through their story requires patience and offers the storyteller the opportunity to practice or the reliving of their story/experience which they are gifting you by sharing. This “Respect” is not shared enough by the “Me First” attitude in our culture AND interrupting does not breed respect in return. People LOVE to be heard and this is a great gift!

BTW: With the Holidays, you may find yourself confined in a home with friends and family you have successfully avoided for much of the year. Consider this an opportunity to Give the Gift of witnessing the shared stories that are the family legacies. Yes, even, or especially, if you have heard them told many times. Your gift is being a witness. Your lesson is to learn what it is in these re-tellings that is most important for you to learn and to grow… These are a Blessing! Thanks for listening to these tales yet again…

Third, the act of looking into the “Masters” eyes helps you to focus and demonstrates the respect you have. There may be a need to ask a “Clarifying question” to assist the storyteller, if you are not fully understanding their communication. Please curtail your need to interject your story into this conversation and in so doing, redirect the conversation. YOU are looking for the “Pearls of Wisdom” and insights coming out of this interaction. Remember, if this “Triggers” you then there is an important lesson for YOU in this interaction. Equanimity and non-Judgement are skills to develop along the way toward Enlightenment. Honor the Master in front of you! (If you had trekked high into the mountains to sit in front of a “Holy Person” to gain their Wisdom, you would listen carefully and respectfully. That person may not be wearing robes or a tailored suit but you would honor them. This is the same for the “Holy Person” who sits in front of you even though you have NOT had to trek high into the mountains in search of this wisdom…)

Finally, ask yourself, What is the one thing YOU got out of this engagement? What did YOU find of “VALUE?” Even if this exchange with another Master took the form, only, of a shared smile! There are NO accidents in our Universe, some will say. Each seemingly random interaction, has happened for a reason. Maybe it was for YOU. Maybe it was you participating in a random act to benefit another soul’s learning. You are Essential. You are a Master! Careful respect for every soul you bump into, in the warm drier of life, is there as a service. Honor this!

And, as Abraham Hicks has channelled to us, (Thank you Robert for sharing,) “No one Gets Who You ARE!” Your greatness in following the path you are moving along, is not known by the people you pass. On Earth we are limited by our 3 Dimensional world. In the Higher Realms, everyone knows everyone’s business through instantaneous psychic communication, (there are No Lies (thanks Paula Forget, author of, “Guided to the Higher Realms”)) but here on Earth you have NOT walked a mile in their shoes. You can not fully know what they have been through to get them to the representation of the role they are playing in this life! For you, the lesson is DO NOT Live Your Life for another person’s values. Do NOT try to be something you are Not! Do Not expect to be liked or understood! You are Perfect! You are a Master! Be authentic! Be Your Self! Be the bright light which offers guidance to other souls whose lesson has them looking like they are struggling in the Darkness. Perhaps their seeming struggle is a chance for you to serve them and to experience another of Your lessons.

We are ALL in this together. Reach around and take the hands of the next soul you meet. Let them know that they are NOT alone in a way to support them and their learning. AND, every opportunity you get to bask in the light of passion coming from the person in front of you, honor them and bask in their light and passion. You never fully know what value this will have for YOU, for them, and for the future people you will bump into.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

You Are Loved!

“I Love You,” Guidance has asked me to share this with YOU. (Do Not take this “Wrong!” This is not just a series of overused or mis-used words.) The Divine Spirit knows you are perfect and a miracle!
This is NOT the love we humans find in our 3 dimensional world. It is not found in thoughts or words… Sorry, I have to use words to communicate and these words do a poor, inadequate job of sharing what is at the foundation of the Universe and the Divine Spirit’s feelings for you as a spirit. Our minds are not expansive enough to describe or understand the Love of the Divine.

We get confused by the “human love” we crave and speak about between people in relationship. This human love has conditions and does not last for the eternity which our spirits live within. Your mind does not fully understand or appreciate how great and powerful you as “Spirit” are in the larger Divine Universe. We come to our incarnations to have adventures within the limitations of 3 dimensions. When we are conscious of our simultaneous existence in the higher realms, beyond 3 dimensions, we are free from limitations of “time” and “space.” There are NO Secrets and no costumes or dramas to hide within, as we have so commonly in our temporary human existence.

By the way, what I say and “know” is no secret or for me alone. These are Universal truth. You have Guidance and Angels, and Spirits, and Mentors, and access to all Wisdom. It can be too much, too intense, and too overwhelming for the simple mind and ego to fully know. These limitations are a part of the game in the drama we call our lives. Your path will lead you to find “Joy” in your challenges. These will be “gifts” and experiences for you to share. Connecting with other pilgrims and sharing stories and experiences are a service for you and everyone you interact with.

My mentor Bob Trask reminds me:
You are Loved
You are Blessed
You are Safe
You are Free

However, most of us do not understand that these words and concepts are so much more than mentally understood words/concepts. These are the remembered Feelings of the Divine Spirit’s true Unconditional Love for you, always!!!

When I was a young man, I was “gifted” with an experience which is appropriate to share. During a guided visualization, I had an “out of body” experience and went to discover what Death was all about. At the time, I was innocent and naive. I had not read the accounts of NDE’s (Near Death Experience.) I had never considered death in this young body and life. When I found myself approaching “Death,” I was enveloped in a warm, peaceful, loving energy. For my first time, in this life, I was aware of the “Feeling” of an Unconditional Love and Presence! Words I attempt to use to describe this do not do this “Knowing” or “Remembering” justice. I had the “feeling” of Acceptance, Freedom from time and space, lack of “Judgment,” “connectedness” with all things in the Universe (no sense of being alone,) a feeling of access to all Universal Wisdom, and the Remembering of the pure, unconditioned loving presence from which my spirit comes from (and to where it goes after this incarnation, though we are there NOW but linear thinking seems to create separation.) My point: Today my mind can not fully grasp the Feeling and the Knowing of what Unconditional Love is. My mind can not get its hands around this “sensation.” My Heart knows there is an elusive feeling/knowing/remembering of Unconditional Love which can not fully fit in my mental consciousness.

BTW. I recently asked about “understanding” Unconditional Divine Love to a group of fairly conscious friends. They went on to describe the unconditional love from their pet, dogs, as how they know “unconditional love.” They were much closer to “feeling” the truth. However, our pets and their unconditional love for us HAVE conditions. Our pets love us because we love and feed them. We are part of their herd, family or “pack.” This is still Earthbound love with conditions which do not fully include Unconditional Divine Love… Sorry. Close but No Cigar… as comedians from the Vaudevillian era might say. So, feel beyond 3 dimensions and the limitations of the mind to “Know” Unconditional Divine Love.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Living Your Life Includes Considering the Legacy You Leave

How can you follow your path through Life without a Plan? Sure you can do this one day at a time. Or, One moment at a time, BUT… I ask you to consider getting your “EGO” out of the way, easier said than done, and ask yourself how YOU want to be remembered in this Life. As if YOU were writing your own eulogy. (Definition of Eulogy: a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.) So, how would you like to be remembered? I am asking not for an accounting all the things YOU have acquired like money, wealth, expensive toys, property, or work related projects… I am asking about your legacy for how you have “Served” your community in “Human” terms. Did you Live most “fully?” Did you Love completely? Did you support your fellow pilgrims on their path through life? Was this a family pursuit or spread out to “strangers” in a wider community? Were you “Known” to have patience, a great sense of humor, integrity to follow through on promises, to listen without judgement or interruptions, for your gentleness and compassion, for your friendships, for your wisdom sharing….?

When people met you, did they get more from you than they gave, maybe only your time and respectful consideration? Did people you encountered love your beaming smile and possibly your “no strings attached” embrace? Did you brighten the day? Did you Lead as a positive role model? Did you invite creativity and encourage others to express theirs? Did your family and friends feel unconditionally loved and respected? Did you live your life as if “you were dancing while no one was watching?” Would people say about you, that there times when you put someone else’s “needs” ahead of your own? Were you thought of as a “Hero” because you led others through dark times?

If you donated money and got your name on the wing of the community hospital, that is great, BUT… was your act of charity sincere or for the recognition your “EGO” required. Donating is NOT BAD but you can notice your intention and then consider whether this was an act of selflessness.

Please take time and consider how YOU want to be remembered as the human soul who walked through your unique life. You CAN NOT GET THIS WRONG! There is no “wrong” way to live. Perhaps, though, you can consider if you lived as “fully” as possible and if you found the best ways to “serve” your fellow pilgrims… Expand your consciousness, for that is what we are all about in living our lives and this consciousness can focus on how we can best take the hands of fellow travelers to assist them to get to their next level of enlightenment. By serving them you serve all the Divine Spirit, and you serve yourself. (The act of service is a healing for the soul who provides service, especially if they do this service from their hearts without strings attached.) Be innocent, open, and guided by a pure heart… (Again, easier said than done.)

You are Loved! You are a Miracle! There is NO WAY to Screw This Up! You are perfect! AND, so is every soul/spirit you bump up against, even if they “push your buttons. (Being “triggered” is your lesson…)

So, write your own Eulogy. Then LIVE it! Be the person in this life you would want to be remembered as being! You will be remembered for your deeds more than for the “toys” you have acquired. So consider your “plan” and follow it to be the “Best you can Be.” The way you live your life, is the legacy you will leave… YOU are a Blessing!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog