In the Afternoon of My Life

Maybe it is the Late Afternoon of my life. Soon I will be entering the Eighth decade of my life. Quite frankly, I never thought I’d be around this long. It never occurred to me to consider this aging process and what my role as an elder is all about. For me, on the inside, I still consider myself to be young. At least younger than that stranger looking back at me in the mirror.

My friend, in his 50’s, Rodger, told me that “we are in the “afternoon” of our lives,” it caused me to pause and consider these words. Then, as if to correct himself he added, “Or, perhaps, we are are in the “late afternoon” of our lives…” to better include my current level of ancientness. And Yes, this did add entertainment to my consideration of this dilemma. Ok, when do you hit “evening” or late night TV of your life?

Question: Do I want to be old? NO! Do I want to act my age? NO! Do I want to even consider decrepitude? NO, NO, NO! Do I accept myself and the process of aging? With a struggle, Yes and, not really…

AND, what’s my role in this drama? I am a father. I am a grandfather. I am a brother, a lover, a friend, a mensch, a clown, a writer, a teacher, and a healer. And, I am so much more. None of these labels are adequate to define my role. I am a human living in privilege living in North America who occasionally struggles with cultural expectation of who I am and where I am “supposed” to be at this later stage of this life… (Societal expectations based on what culture suggests has never been my strong suit. I have always felt like I am “outsider” looking in and, with pride, in my oppositional opinions and actions…)

Do I care about the future? Well, yes, but differently than I expected. My youthful optimism is reduced, mostly due to waning energy levels. I have always been impatient with life, and still am… From my current perspective, I appreciate the miracles and blessings of life much differently, and with more reverence, than I did in earlier decades. Most of the time I view people, and our shared encounters, looking for the beauties and the good things rather than in negative judgement of an insecure younger me looking to pretend that I am better than… Translation: now, I look more often for a beauty or acknowledge a skill rather than looking to find a weakness or flaw in the people I interact with.

So what does it mean to be in the “late afternoon” of my current incarnation. The days seem to be getting a bit shorter. My energy is drawing inward. I am not cut off from my world but my view is less unbridled than in earlier times. Taking on larger, time and energy, consuming projects seems to be lowered in priority for me. I may not get to learning those new languages or learning to play new musical instruments, which I have put off for many decades. I may even shelve going to medical school which was a very high priority for me when I was 15 years old. Though, I will make time to view more Sunsets and perhaps to taste some good wines.

My life has been filled with Guidance and protection. There are still important challenges and missions for me. There are times when I feel like I am “winding down” and there are times when I rationalize that I am actually using my energies more efficiently. Either way, I proceed through this life with Wonderment and Beginner’s Mind when I choose to be most present. My request to you, as you have read this far, is find Joy and laughter every day of your life. Add the perspective that your life, all life, is a Miracle and you are blessed when you can share your experience with other pilgrims you meet along your way.

If circumstance appears and asks you if YOU want to return for another lifetime in a human form, you may say “No, I do not want to return.” For life is “hard” and full of drama and you may consider that “you” deserve a “rest.” I have considered this option and heard other people’s answers. The Dalai Lama when asked this question responded by saying that he “hopes” he can return and continue to be of service. He is highly evolved and perhaps he is “done” with human incarnations. If you do NOT want to return for more lives and experiences of service, then, almost certainly you WILL have to return for the challenges of additional incarnations… Worry not, for all incarnations are simultaneous and there is no linear time in the higher dimensions (from where we have come.) Just keep breathing and being present. Allow your meditations to offer you guidance…

AND, every day consider your purpose in your current incarnation. Looking deep into this circumstance, I feel certain that you will “know” that you are here to serve! Share your stories and the wisdom you have gained, or are struggling to gain. The people you bump into are both your students and your teachers. We all share life experience to support each other in developing our consciousness. and, we are all in this (life) together…

Dance like no one is watching! Live like this will be your very last day… No regrets, you are perfect and so accept those flaws and imperfections which make you unique…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Late Summer Sweetness

It’s getting to be late summer in the Pacific Northwest. As the days are beginning to grow shorter it is also time to find the ripening berries. It is time to pick the ripened raspberries and blackberries. In my life, it is getting to be the late summer and fall of this incarnation for me. It is time to pick The ripened berries of my life. Their sweetness and my wisdom gained from all of my years is now time to share.

I do not look for the future with the optimism of youth. I look much more into the present moment rather than looking into the what is possible and what could be. Though I am aware of lessons learned from my past, I attempt to mitigate the anxiety from most past trauma in ways to see the present without the filters born from past difficult learnings. I find Gratitude for all the lessons… Past Joys and Sorrows can be equally Blessed.

These days with less judgment, I enjoy the sweetness of my life and of the world that surrounds me. It is a time to reflect on lessons learned, even with sour taste or the bitterness of certain life challenges. It is time to find the joy in working through the lessons that I have experienced and the things that I have accomplished. Not every ripe looking berry picked is sweet. The Joy which can be found in sour life experiences can find sweetness as shared wisdom.

There are times when I have to put my head down and walk into the breeze which my day presents. It is refreshing and yet requires extra effort to weather any storm or any headwind that I may encounter. It is also time for me to share value from my lessons in a way that may save some of the time and energy for the witnesses of these conversations. In sharing, I am acting in service from the perspective of my current incarnation. As a possible guide or beacon, my learnings may light the way and offer perspective to those souls I am lucky enough to connect with.

Without the metaphors, this past Wednesday, August 19th, I celebrated what would have been my 36th wedding anniversary. My bride passed into her next life over 8 years ago but the sweetness and the joy of our lives together still vibrates within me. The difficult lessons We learned, I learned, are ever present and awaiting any appropriate chance to share, with gratitude, my memories and learnings. That is what life masters attempt to offer when appropriate. I no longer need to force my grief on others. I can share when the time is correct for a soul whose life buzzes close to what I encountered. The richness of learning from difficulties can be of service and give me a sense of value… (In sharing I also find perspective and value in my “old” story.)

It is not that I do not care about the future. The future of the world. The future of my children and family. It is that I am not as attached to the outcomes. I am not living with the expectations that the world is going to be easier or better. My lessons have taught me that the struggles have been the most valuable thing in my learning. And it is time to acknowledge that everyone must work through their difficulties as these are the lessons that they have come to learn from in this life.

It has come time to acknowledge that if I were to die today, I would have no regrets. I have found a level of acceptance of myself and of the accomplishments that I have made which allow me to find peace. One of the goals in life is to learn about oneself. To develop deep self knowledge. And to find a way of accepting even the flaws I may find as tools for mastering or changing my life and then living in the most positive ways.

Living your life is a miracle. It is a treasure. But to be too attached or anxious about your life seems to me to be an unwise use of time and energy. Self-love and self acceptance seem so important to me as I near the end of my seventh decade. There are adventures and appreciations in life yet to be AND I honor all that has been presented to me along my way…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at


Self-Confidence & Self-Acceptance

Many of us struggle with confidence and self-acceptance. This may be born from our early learnings in this life or possibly as an inherited trait from our family. Our culture tends to control our behaviors as we grow by magnifying our “flaws” which are judged by our supervising adults and competitive, and insecure, peers. We begin to strive to “fit in” even if this is the antithesis of our individual natures. We can lose ourselves. We can begin to advance our feelings of inadequacy or insecurity. We often feel that we do not fit in and so reduce our levels of self-acceptance.

What we may have to learn or remember is that we are perfect even with our imperfections. Re-learning to love ourselves and to accept ourselves even with our flaws is one of the great learnings of our lives. We have to love ourselves and accept ourselves if we wish to make the changes that we may feel would be appropriate. (If we want to improve our “flaws” we must first embrace these and then experiment with alternative behaviors to change these parts of our human incarnation.) To learn our lessons in this life, we are tested or challenged by our weaknesses or imperfections and we then have the free choice to choose to do things (our lives) differently. We test out new or “better” behaviors. Dealing with our insecurities is one of the lessons that we have.

As a general perspective, if we can’t love ourselves it is very difficult for us to love others and to be most fully present in our lives and to live in service. It seems that one of our goals is to live the dramas and have the struggles of our body’s imperfections in our own mortal lives. We learn our lessons through this struggle as we move through these dramas and hopefully find that Joy is the great beauty in our struggles with our imperfections. (Yes, maybe even learn to laugh at ourselves and our foibles.)

As we said in the most recent blog, we’ve created mountains between us and other people. We have also created a mountain between ourselves and the acceptance and self-love of ourselves. Do you realize that you are a miracle and that you as a soul are a unique fingerprint? You are unique like a snowflake. You are a perfect and necessary part of the Divine and the Universe cannot exist without the wisdom and energy of your soul and spirit. It is with your uniqueness, as a miracle, that you must find the acceptance and then the self-love of who you are, where you’re going, and your purpose. You are a blessing.

Other people may judge you as less than who you really are. That is their drama. That is their lesson and you have to respond to that by knowing that you are much more perfect than they might know or imagine. Other people’s judgment and expectations are not under your control. You can not argue with them. This is a test for you to hold true to who you are and know the strength of your self-love and acceptance. Be the role model of self-knowledge and self-acceptance. Show your confidence and strength in your strong posture of self-acceptance!

Your self-confidence and self-acceptance are born out of self-knowledge. Know your strengths and weaknesses and accept both. Do not use personal flaws as an excuse. Find a way to accept and change any identified flaws if you feel this is a necessary goal in this life.

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Looking Through the Eyes of Wonderment

An update and revisit after spending time with my 22 month old grandson…

The Blessing a young child brings is to see what I know to be “common” as an amazing and unique moment in time. Like the first time I noticed a miracle in nature. Getting out of past and future expectations into the excitement of being present. Wide eyed and a celebration with each “new” thing… What Joy can I find in the incredible moment? It has never existed nor will ever exist again. Appreciation and Gratitude…

Last November, Mr Milo would ask “Whad Dat?” He would point to anything, and everything, and ask, “Whad Dat?” But now 8 months later he learns like a sponge, drawing all information into his budding human consciousness. He tries to mimic a word or short phrase. He has learned what some animals sound like. When we saw a Barred Owl on a hike a few days ago, he lit up and said “whooo.” The owl gave him a once over and knew that they were both of Divine birth and had some souls linked together… Well, maybe I read way too much into this interaction but it really struck me with the new adventure for Mr Milo which was playing out. He even learn immediately how to “hug a tree.” (With some credit and “blame” going to his grandfather.) Progress is coming quickly.

Background: in a shared meditation when he was one month old and napping in my arms, I saw him as older wise man standing above me and to my left. In my meditation, I was a bit surprised and said to him, “You are an Old Soul!” He replied, “We are all old souls…” This shocked me. Why was I having to learn something from a baby who is one month old…? Oh well. I am in a state of wonderment as I appreciate and learn from every soul I meet, if, I am most present and available.

Mr Milo is learning how to navigate in his current younger body with his encouraging parents. AND, when I look into his eyes, I can sometimes see that his connection to Divine Wisdom is not shut off. My service to this soul may be to help remind him of who he really is and from where he has come. Perhaps he will maintain his connection to the Divine and not have to accidentally find the connection to the Divine or to work so hard at “Remembering” this connection. I tell Mr Milo, “You are a Miracle!” and he has an interesting, perhaps a “knowing” smile as he then repeats, “Miracle,” “Miracle.” Very cute but…???

He serves all the people who can focus upon him as he moves through his current life in wonderment and demonstrates “Beginners Mind.” He is present. New things are an adventure and, only occasionally, “scary.” He is loved and protected by parents and guides as he moves along his path in this life adventure. So, I had few expectations regarding my necessity to become a grandfather but this may turn out very well for my learning at this stage in my current incarnation. Oh well, I thought I was done but I guess there is still more for me to participate within. What a Blessing!

Living in the consciousness of the Beginners Mind. Where everything is new and being fully present is cause for celebration of all the wonders of our human life on Earth. Can we all spend more moments in wonderment and remember our beginner’s mind? And, can we find those moments of gratitude for the beauty and perfections which manifest in every moment?

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Divine Spirit Knows

Just like “Santa Knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you are awake…,” The Divine Spirit “KNOWS” when you are in service and doing “Good.” If you are thinking about and caring about a friend or a relative, even if you do not pick up the telephone, the Divine Spirit (or God or the “Source”) knows your intention and appreciates your focus on an act of service and concern. There are NO secrets in the higher realms. Everyone knows your secrets and knows your deepest thoughts. AND, You are loved and accepted. Only human judgements can create negative definition of you or your actions.

Your Soul’s positive thoughts and intentions create a spreading chain reaction which triggers Love and positivity. Your thoughts and feelings of Fear or Hate, though out of place in the Higher Realms, create ripples of discord and upset as a challenge, or lesson, for the people who come into contact with this energy in the drama of living on the Earthly plane. This lower vibrational energy does less for the healing of the conscious energies. (Though fear, anxiety, and hate can be motivational and so bring about actions and, at times, positive change. If a change develops it is often short lived and will often not be based on humanitarian interests. Sometimes we choose to not follow anger and fear but this educates us in more positive (a judgement) alternative possibilities.)

Getting back to the original feeling which triggered this blog, when you think lovingly and with positive concern regarding another person, you start a swell of positive energy that flows out like the rings created when you drop a pebble into still water. Like the flap of a butterflies’ wing, it can travel energetically around the planet. You are amazing and more powerful than your conscious, ego mind allows you to know. AND, if a friend or family comes into your mind and triggers your feelings of concern, you can be even more powerful by actually contacting that person and communicating your loving concern. Chances are that you are acting on guidance and possibly triggering a greater miracle.

There is an older saying in our North American culture, “Actions speak louder than words.” No doubt there is truth to following through on a positive intention and the higher vibrational benefits this may create. However, we can not always “act” upon our intentions. Sometimes we are constrained by time or resources but all good deeds CAN be seen as an ego’s attachment and to the recognition which is possible. This can be giving with “strings attached” at some level. We do not need to hold the expectation that we will be recognized. I believe that we do not need to hold the expectation that if we do our “good deed” we will benefit. AND, sure we can benefit and our intentionality, even without action. This can also trigger higher vibration at the spirit level.

In reading the book, “The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life and the World,” by Lynne McTaggart, an insight which I had learned came to mind. Lynne has been a research journalist and collected information and then designed experiments of group “intentional healing.” Many experiments concluded that in a group setting an intention for healing, with no strings attached for an outcome, created a healing environment which could be focused upon a person or situation and, if unconsciously allowed and accepted, could alter the subjects energies for possible “healing.” When offered without “attachment” to the outcome, the results not only offered positive energy to the subject but also seemed to have a positive effect upon the individuals participating in the group. Perhaps, this is raising of vibrations and a healing for the people whom “gifted” this positivity. In my own experience, I have sent healing energies and intentions and my ego could NOT take credit but positive results seemed to appear to happen… AND, my heart experienced a lovely resonation with “spirit.”

Our world and all of consciousness vibrates at a higher frequency when your heart goes toward sharing love and positive concern for other creatures and for our Earth itself. Feelings, intentions, and then actions can trigger the Divine Spirit to manifest healing changes which can allow for living in greater Joy! Higher vibrations help move all of human consciousness forward. The Awareness and the Enlightenment which eventually manifests moves all souls toward building heaven on Earth as we Remember our connection with “Source.”

Please, consciously, hold good thoughts and feelings. Focusing on the positive ways to serve and to demonstrate unconditional Love, can only help and be a force of good in our world. Stay positive. Be hopeful. Share Love. AND, your act of “Caring” for others and our Earth are a great place to start.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Imaginal Cells

Imagine that there is a Perfect Being deep within YOU! Imagine that you, as this “Perfect Being,” have access to all Divine Wisdom and are free from the limitations of of Time and space, and Judgement, and Separation! A caterpillar spins a cocoon and sheds its old self as a crawling creature to become a butterfly. This metamorphosis is a known and partially understood biological transformation. What I learned recently, is there are cells within this creature which lead to this transformation. These have been identified as, “Imaginal Cells.” My question, for you, is do YOU have a form of Imaginal Cells within you which can lead you into the transformation considered “Enlightenment.”

Within you is a Perfect Being of Love and Light. This is your perfect Soul or Spirit! This is the part of you which can “awaken,” shine brightly, and so let you live in a state of consciousness and bliss on our Earthly plane. Does the caterpillar need to give permission for its Imaginal Cells to turn itself into a Butterfly? Does this caterpillar need to sit in a cave and meditate for twenty years to develop into a Butterfly? Or, is this mechanism deep within and simply allowed to evolve to make this transformation? The caterpillar does have to spin its cocoon and go inside for this change to occur. It does require some effort and a deeper knowing that this will lead to the rebirth we can see as it turns into a butterfly.

In our current world of Spring, 2020, we are being asked to cocoon in our homes while a virus lurks unbridled in our communities. Are WE going to emerge from this isolation and reflective meditative period of time with a new consciousness? Will our resolve create a higher vibration which will allow other souls to resonate at a higher, more conscious, vibration? Will our spiritual evolution create a world more beautiful than a butterfly? Time will tell… BUT, does Time really exist or is this just a egoic, mental concept? Are you willing to allow the perfect Soul within you burst forth, out into our Earthly drama to brighten all human consciousness and take us one step further along?

The Spiritual Imaginal Cells within you are real like Black Holes in the Universe are real. Poorly, or not completely, understood, your perfect Divine Spirit dwells within your DNA and your metamorphosis into the Enlightened Being your are will find the light of day. This day is coming. It is up to you to make room for the new awareness which leads to the Bliss of Higher Consciousness. So, let me remind you to remember how Amazing YOU are! You are a Blessing! You are so much greater than your ego allows you to remember. You are Perfect! You are a Miracle! AND, You can shine as a Beacon of Hope and Love to light the way for all the souls you bump into in this pilgrimage through this Earthly life. Shine Brightly!

I say this again, You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

See an article by Barbara Marx Hubbard, Remember Who You Really Are, and one by Dr. Bruce Lipton, What are Imaginal Cells, for a bit more information in your beginning research into Imaginal Cells. Enjoy.
(I have added a short 4 minute YouTube video on Imaginal Cells, in case you need some extra media input.)

Let’s join together to picture a more Loving, Accepting World as a vision of what could be! Let us vibrate at a higher frequency to be the beacon of Light our world requires. Perhaps, you can see us joining hands and dancing in the bright sunlight of a joy filled Earth… You never know what 100 enlightened monkeys can create to change consciousness in our world….

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Connected to the Divine Spirit, Now What?

Many of us are striving to “wake up” from our 3 dimensional lives and to be most fully conscious. Some of us have found a way to “awaken” and are striving to integrate this perspective and to determine what we are now supposed to do with this information/perspective. And, there are a few of us who float through our Earthly incarnations with some overt mastery of how to be “Enlightened Beings” while traveling the Earthly plane. This blog addresses the first two groups because “Enlightened Beings” are enlightened and require less instruction and support.

“Waking Up” into a state of higher consciousness is not uncommon and appears to be the desired goal of people who do not seem to fit in with the every day life expectations which our culture places upon us from early in our Earth born lives. We were born with a limited 3 dimensional “mind” and social pressures to conform to traditional social behaviors and thinking. The limits of the rational thought process creates a rational perspective which limits our lives to the confines of Time and Space. We seem to desire a rational understanding which is limited by language and judgments. For example, in the language called English, which I was raised with, descriptions in words, and thoughts, are limited because you are defining the things and experiences presented to you by comparing what they are like or not like. Greater than, less than, etc. But, you lose the essence of what things or experiences are really about when a feeling or an emotion are mentioned.

Example, how do you share what the taste or smell of fresh baked bread is? How do you adequately share what the Love you find in relationship feels like in your heart? From personal experience, I know you can NOT adequately describe or explain Divine Unconditional Love to a 3 dimensional brain for this is totally unavailable for a rational understanding. (The rational brain can not comprehend a 5th dimensional “Knowing” or feeling of a non-judgement, unconditional Divine Love.) It is a pleasurable “feeling” which can not be fully “Known” by a rational thought process. Just the comparison method of using the word “like” diminishes the full essence of the feeling and true Knowing of the phrase “Unconditional Love.” And, “Unconditional Love” does NOT exist on the Earthly plane between two Earth bound beings because there are always conditions attached. Always! The Divine Spirit’s or Source’s Unconditional Love of you is well beyond a full rational understanding or a language limiting description.

As you awaken, and you probably would not have read this far in this blog without a conscious or unconscious desire for your own awakening, You are freed from human constraints and now struggle with integrating this wisdom into your life. What do you do with this wisdom? How do you share it? How does this change the way you live and the way you interact with other souls? How does this change your priorities in living and your Purpose in living this life? Well, that IS the lesson you came here to learn! People who have had a NDE (Near Death Experience) must find how to integrate this new knowledge into their lives and NDE researchers claim that this can take 7-15 years. (Read more NDE descriptions or chat with NDE survivors to speed up your awakening process… plenty of YouTube videos to wade through as well. (You may have to visit several videos to find the stories you most resonate with and offers the tools specifically for you.))

Your challenge is to continue your awakening and your consciousness development AND to find ways of sharing it or being of service to assist in the awakening of other people whom you bump into. There are no road maps or written directions. Just like when you became a parent and had to figure this out as you went along. Most commonly, this is what happens when you entered this life with the amnesia which happens to most of us and we attempt to find ways to “remember” where we came from and to where we return between our Earthly incarnations. Not easily said let alone done…

If you feel you DO NOT FIT IN, you don’t. YOU are Perfect and in the process of expanding your consciousness and your role in this drama called life as a human. If you do not know how to integrate the wisdom of your opening consciousness then welcome to the club. If you have empathy for other souls, you have opened the channel of your highest consciousness and can begin to realize that we are all in this together and by raising your consciousness you serve to raise ALL consciousness. By sharing Love, no strings attached – Unconditionally, YOU are healing this Earthly plane of existence…

YOU are a Miracle! YOU are Perfect the way you are! (AND, do not be lazy! Keep enhancing your awareness.) YOU are NOT alone! YOU are so much Greater than You allow yourself to Know or Believe! AND, if you resonate with this message but still struggle to fully understand and to integrate this into your life, you are exactly where you need to be. Get some support and perspective and gradually you can find the best ways to be in this world. You are Loved!

Now, meditate, be most Present, walk in Nature, connect with “Guidance” and your higher self, practice less Judgement and more Equanimity, and attempt to find Joy in every challenge Life presents.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Who Are YOU!

It is time for a reminder. You may have limitations which do not allow you to realize who you are and how important you are. Your Ego may want you to “play it small” so you are not a target or threatened. Like the deer in the headlights, you may freeze when the spotlight of life shines on you… BUT, it does NOT change the deeper truth, you are a Miracle. You, whether you know it or not, are a Master. No one could do “YOU” better than You do you. AND, You are essential. Sure, you may be playing out a life which may appear to be a lesser character in the Play of Life, but every character is essential and the play could NOT be performed without you in the role you are playing.

Fear and your insecurity may get in the way of you seeing how truly Awesome you are. Many of us consciously or unconsciously choose fear or anxiety as a major way to relate to this world. Our survival may depend on how quick we respond to a fearful stimuli. We learn by behaving appropriately in the survival of scary things but it is NOT who we are. We survive and stay alive because we have many things to learn and to do in this life. What are we scared of, dying? Well, we are all going to die some day anyway. Living in Fear of Death is a waste of time, energy, and our consciousness. In case you need some clarity, Death is NOT the enemy! Death is the final transition we experience AND we get to move into the higher realms where Unconditional Love, Freedom, Acceptance, Oneness, and access to all Divine Wisdom is available.

You came to the Earth plane to be challenged. You may have forgotten how great you are as a spirit. You live in the limitations of our 3 dimensional world for the “Drama” and the “Challenges” which are found as we interact with people and experiences on the Earthly plane. Some of us have chosen to come in for long lives. Some of us have chosen to come for a brief or shorter lifespan, probably for the lessons of our family or friends or caregivers. No matter which, you are essential to the events you have been born into…

With greater awareness and developed consciousness, you may remember connection to the Divine Spirit. You may remember that every soul you bump into is “perfect” in her or his own way, and they are here for some lesson you may be involved within. Perhaps, you will even “remember” that YOU are a Master and you have much to offer. You can be a beacon of Love and Light to serve and to guide others on their path to Reawakening! You and your path through this life are “Perfect!” And, as long as you are here, Be the Best you can be. Keeping learning and growing in consciousness. Wherever possible, find a way to Love and to Serve your fellow pilgrims. (Even the ones who seem to push your buttons as a lesson…)

If you resist this message, ask yourself why you do not want to remember and to celebrate the magnificent soul you are here to be. Not an Ego trip, but a remembering of how the Divine Spirit created you as essential to the drama here on our Earth. Find Joy, even in the difficult challenges you are here to learn from. (Easier said than done, but still available for you…) Take a deep slow breath and know all the other miracles of life which surround you for these can teach you so much!

Where possible consider the Divine Perfection of your soul! You are an Earth Angel in an Earthly incarnation having a “human” experience. Love and appreciate the Miracle of the Divine which lives brightly within you and is so much greater than your mind can understand.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Contagion: Are YOU a Carrier?

As I write in March of 2020, contagion anxiety is rampant in our world. There appears to be a new virus running around the world and there is a Media feeding frenzy to add to our awareness and fear every day 24/7. It has affected our economy and way of life. We even have been told to wash our hands! Brutal! They have implied that it is better for us to walk in nature rather than in the shopping mall and even to avoid mass gatherings like concerts, meetings, conventions, schools, and even, church. Lots of world travel has ground to a halt. But, WE DO NOT NEED to hang 24/7 with the Media for frightening details of things happening far from most neighborhoods. We might even have to use our “Common Sense” (which, sadly, has been bred out of us in the USA by poor education and a general lack of interest.)

But these fearful viral contagions are not really what I want to talk about. There are so many other sources of loud annoying sources of fear based information. What I want to share is about a different kind of contagious behavior which is NOT as fearful or anxiety producing. In fact, it is quite the opposite. I am asking that you consider being “Ground Zero” of a loving and uniting contagion. A contagion of love and support! It spreads by making eye contact and smiling! Better still, make eye contact and be “present” and sincere AND then smile while saying “Thank You. You are a Blessing!” “Thank you for being you!” “You are a Miracle!” “You are Perfect!” YOU are LOVED!” Even without physical contact or a loving, tender hug, you can convey the healing virus of warmth, acceptance, and loving understanding…

After your close emotional and spiritual contact, you DO NOT have to wash yourself down with bleach or disinfectant. Yes, you have shared a moment but you have not raised the anxiety level to code Red! Go take a deep slow breath and reflect on the Divine Spirit’s amazing presence in all people and things. And besides, what is the worst that can happen? Some souls are given their chance to find completion and to transition back to spirit. Sure, their egos and physical persona in this life will not be moving around our three dimensional world and their closest family and friends will find a new experience in grief and mourning within the vacuum which is created but this is part of our life’s challenge. The Divine Spirit blesses all souls whether incarnated or as the free souls dwelling between lives. From my personal experience, I often find a state of “envy” for the freedom, acceptance, and the unconditional love which bathes the disembodied spirits most easily without the limitations of the earthly life.

So here is YOUR challenge. Go out and infect the people you bump into with an unconditional love and respect. Offer the infectious smile and appreciation that your soul can offer. Allow a spiritual connection that carries no harmful viruses but heals with a Golden White Light. Bless YOU and all the positive warmth and energy you can go out and share in this world filled with anxiety! You have the power to make positive changes, one eyeball to eyeball contact at a time. You are a Miracle and a Miracle worker. You are a carrier of healing energy!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Too Overwhelmed to Act

Chances are if you found your way to this blog posting and have read it this far, you are an empathetic consciousness seeking soul. As I write in February, 2020, our culture is in major upheaval and in the three dimensional world we live, we are surrounded and pounded by “Drama.” Politics, world health, climate change, homelessness, crime, racism, sexism, and all forms of polarizing mayhem happen to us or at us, everyday. We can hide our heads in sand and live in a quiet prison of self-constructed oblivion or be “concerned” about what we are “supposed” to do to make the world a better place. We may not be Billionaires with unlimited resources of time and money and energy so we may feel inadequate… We may just feel empathetic and “overwhelmed.”

You can do nothing and pretend to be unattached to the current situation. You can choose to be paralyzed by your overwhelm and do nothing, feeling bad about this option. You can go “observer,” running on “equanimity,” where you are too mellow so that all you do is watch and stay uninvolved… Or, you can do something short of violence, getting arrested in protest, or running in circles… You can change the source of this discord by changing the energy which feeds this polarizing and anxiety producing mayhem.

Let’s back up. We can do something more than pray, set a positive intention, and smile ineffectively and unattached at the world condition. First, we can be “fully present” and in the moment. Not in fear of the future or living with some past fearful trauma. (Easier said than done, BUT doable.) Next, we can realize that we are all connected and in this together. Yes, even the people who trigger you. Especially, the people who push your buttons of anger and/or fear. We are all equal and a part of the Divine Spirit. We all have our roles to play in the Drama we have chosen, spiritually, to live within. To make a positive impact on the world condition we can do something. Even if we do not have time, or money, or even energy, we do have a way to serve and to change the “Energy” that drives the mayhem. So…

Consider calming yourself. Finding your way into the present moment. (Both of these require some practiced dedication…) AND, then start, slowly and easily to connect with the other souls you bump into. Start easy, with the checker in the grocery store or with the server pouring your coffee, or the ticket taker at the movie theater AND, being present and loving, make eye contact with them and remind them, “yes, Out Loud,” that they are a Miracle, or that they are Perfect, or they are Loved, or that they are Blessed… You can get good at doing this. It will not harm you or them. After you are good at this, you can now begin to share this with the “difficult” people in your life, like your family, or your boss at work, or with the objectionable political “jerk” (an unnecessary judgement) who thinks the other political candidate is correct…. Yes, even these people are connected in the Divine with your soul AND they are a Miracle even as they “push your buttons.”

Looking the homeless person in the eyes, connecting with them and their disabilities, and reminding them that they are Loved and a Blessing is how you can begin to change the energy of our world. One eyeball to eyeball connection at a time… This requires practice and dedication. You need to step out of your ego and your fear (or anxiety/anger) and do the “right thing.” Bless them for the lesson they can teach to you, IF you are willing to be open and to listen. Please, help to dissolve the fear and the anxiety which caused the separation. Please, allow your heart and positive intention to tear down the walls! You can do this. Even with few resources, YOU can be a shining beacon of Love and Light! You can BE the change you wish to see in the world!

Do NOT be Too Overwhelmed to Act! You can take these small steps to improve this world one connection at a time.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at