Is It Time to “Push the River?”

Long ago, I ran across the philosophy, “You can not Push the River!” Which at the time, meant I should just go with the “flow” and appreciate the present moment. I was assuming that you can not force what does not want to be forced. Since I have rarely been thought of as mellow, by those who know me, or “patient,” the concept of when is it time to push the river has resurfaced for me. Sure, I have learned much by quietly observing but when is it time to “act.” When is it time to “play it Big?” When your heart tells you to jump into river and NOT play it safe, do you ever Jump In?

Life can reward the risk takers. Life can challenge those who step into something new and push out their own self-limitations. Life is made more satisfying when there are risks taken and the “path less traveled” is followed. The adventure in life is attempting new activities, visiting new places, meeting new people, and pushing to have experiences which expand your consciousness. Sure it is safer not to rock the boat but… All of your life’s best adventures started by the quickening of your heart beat as you considered a less known option. When your gut told you to try something new, and you did, you have another story to tell.

Consider the bigger risks you have taken. Consider the bigger desires you have wished for but avoided. Do you want to die with regrets for not having challenged yourself? Of course not. We all have regrets but the “not doing” a cherished dream is a sorry bit of unfinished business and a regret that might haunt you. The “what if’s” can come to mind. Our egoic fear and insecurity often keeps us from doing what we would love to do. It is ourselves stopping us. The unknown is a challenge and the adventure we seek. What is the worst that can happen??? Will we regret not attempting the “Playing it Big” activity?

Can we come out of the darkness and fear into the celebration of the attempt to do new and different things? Yes, we can! We sometimes need support from within. The support that comes from remembering how great we really are. We are the miracle who has survived all the difficulties we have faced in this life. No one else could fully believe what we have been through, survived, and then thrived. No one else can fully comprehend the trials by fire we have faced. All of these have been the tests which we have passed to get us to where we are now, even with the scars our life can show. The River is there in front of us. It is waiting for us to jump in and then through our willful energy to push it forward.

When you think that you can not do something you really want to do, it is time find the courage within and make your attempt. You will learn from either your success, and even more, from a seeming failure. The “not doing” is the source for regret.

You are not alone. There are many adventurers riding and pushing this river. Acknowledge, love and support them. Is it time to push the river? There is NO time like the present! Sure, you can go with the flow, but you can also press forward into another life adventure. All travels expand you and your consciousness. Be open to the new experiences you were meant to have. Along the way, know that you are a Miracle. You are a perfect piece of the Divine Spirit. You are Loved! You are Blessed!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.

You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Where Are You “Home?”

“Home is where the Heart is!” More importantly, Where is YOUR Home?

My internet research that gives credit for this statement goes to a Roman philosopher better known as Pliny the Elder (or just Pliny to his friends) said “Home is where the heart is.”

More internet research said that there can be two (or more) meanings to this expression. And the internet offers this opinion.

“Firstly, it can mean that wherever our loved ones are, that is our home. Thus, wherever a person’s heart is will be our true home. Thus, no matter where someone was born or grew up, their real home is the place that they care about most in the world. This place may or may not be the place that they grew up in.

Secondly, it can mean that our love (our ‘heart’) is focused around the family home. A person’s heart will always be at home. This means that their love, affection and fond memories will always be tied to the place that they live.

Note: There are differences of cause and effect in each interpretation. In the first, love makes us feel at home. In the second, home makes us feel love.”

Why did this come up for me? Why is this relevant for you? This past weekend I was engaged in a personal growth seminar conducted by Excellence Northwest. We experienced a Guided Meditation as an exercise for planning for 5 years in the future. We were asked to relax, clear our minds, and to “picture” our home 5 years from now. What did we want to find there? How did it FEEL? So, being a cooperative participant (not really such a common experience for me), I considered the more typical setting.

I pictured a house in the country. In a clearing surrounded by conifer trees like Douglas Firs or Cedars. It was bigger than a small cottage but not a huge, ostentatious house. Lots of wood. Entering into my Home, was a warm and inviting engery with the smell of fresh bread baking in the oven and home made soup in a large pot cooking on the stove. Quiet and calm. The Living room had a fireplace and comfortable furniture. Not just comfortable but wonderfully comfortable chairs and sofas arranged in a circle. Maybe 8 or 9 seats arranged for conversations and interacting with friends, family, and interesting people. This seemed to be the real purpose for this cozy environment. It then dawned on me that my concept of “Home” was not a future House but was a setting for gathering other people to connect with. My fantasy is to feed these visitors. Mind, Body, Emotionally, and Spirit, all nurtured and fed with the love and support which offers deeper connection. Not your standard Home environment. This could happen in lots of places and not be tied down to a house in which to live my life within.

Home can be anywhere which allows the connection of Heart and support. A caring for other souls without any “strings attached.” It might be a place where Gratitude and Acceptance seem to come first. Openness and trust rein supreme. So, let me ask YOU again, Do YOU have a need and a space like this kind of Home? Not as easy to answer. We often have family and, maybe, friends, but not necessarily the unconditional loving, support, and acceptance which would be so nurturing for you and your spirit. This possible environment may come and go. It may not be a permanent part of your life.

There may be times when we get caught in the “Drama” of wanting something which we perceive we do not have. We might even feel like a “victim” to the circumstance which our 3 dimensional lives have led us to experience. We may struggle with the life challenge of adding this unconditional support and love to our lives. BUT, and this is a big but (do not take this wrong), we can find this everywhere and it is NOT external to us. It is a lesson in what we Know and Remember regarding the perfection of the Divine Spirit found within us. If we are willing to look into the eyes and find the perfection of the perfect souls we interact with, we can find this deeper connection and “Home” everywhere!

My Guidance is asking me to write these words for YOU to read. Where do these concepts fit for you and the lessons you are here to learn? Do you remember that we are all connected and can share this bonding connection with every soul who crosses our path through life?

YOU ARE HOME! You are the structure and the atmosphere which extends love and creates the ideal experience of “Home.” Please consider, Knowing it, Feeling it, and Living it!

You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! You, even with your seeming flaws and imperfections, are Perfect! No one else can be YOU better than YOU! Thank you for being in this World and Open to Connecting.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Value of Rituals and Ceremonies

For thousands of years, human cultures have celebrated their lives with various rituals and ceremonies. Since we began pursuing “rational thought” and moving away from the spiritual limitations of most religions, we have also reduced the spiritual practices which often include rituals. Our modern North American culture has replaced these time honored practices with poor modern substitutes. Sure we have wedding ceremonies and graduation ceremonies but these are often built in to our consumer driven economies. Just ask how much a wedding can cost these days… Our modern rituals look more like our visits to the drive throughs fast food restaurants or worshipping in line as we wait or our morning coffees.

We often forget to celebrate the memories and wisdom of our ancestors. Sure we have funerals or memorial services, but how many of us light a candle on the anniversary of our beloved family or friends who have found their way through their final life transition. When I participate in a Native American Medicine Wheel ceremony or a Solstice ritual, I realize the value of these traditions yet these feel unfamiliar to me. There are reasons that our ancestors celebrated the changing of the seasons and honor the four directions and four elements. We can still benefit from pausing in our lives to honor Mother Earth, the Universe, and the Ancient people and cultures who walked the planet before us (in this incarnation.)

Rituals and Ceremonies can cause us to stop and remember our heritage. Instead of being inconvenient or expensive packaged products like weddings and funerals have become, we might consider more natural and heartfelt honoring which are born of simplicity with deep authentic emotional expressions. And, no, special food at your Super Bowl party does not count as the heartfelt offering of which I speak.

Perhaps you can create unique ceremonies or rituals for your children or family and friends. Find a local Labyrinth and slow walk a Zen Meditation as you find your way to the center and then back out into our world. Maybe you do not even require a Labyrinth but can follow a trail or beach to a special spot and build a rock cairn to ground yourself in Earth energy and presence. Any visit into natural settings can become a ritual to honor life and spiritually engage to find a “Re-Enchantment of the Cosmos.” If treading a path outdoors is too much, consider lighting a candle. Calm your mind and honor your spirit as you gently breathe and gaze into the dancing natural light. Be as our ancestors sitting around a fire to share stories and wisdoms learned from our elders. (Yes, even if you have to turn off your technology for a few minutes…)

Create the rituals and ceremonies that find form from deep inside you and honor these expressions. Know appreciation and gratitude for all the miracles of life which have brought you to this present moment. Smile with Joy as you find the warmth in your heart as you bless our ancestors. One day, some culture in our future will look back to honor the lives we have lived and the spirit we have demonstrated, AND possibly the wisdom we leave for them to know. Walk respectfully and model for our children the love and honor we have for our ancestors…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Miracle of Your 5 Senses And Other Sensitivities

Everyday you wake up with the miracle of your 5 senses AND do not take these Lightly. Your 5 senses include the sensations: touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. Some would add your intuition and more about this later. Some of us have suffered the loss of one or more of these 5 senses and those of us who wake everyday to the use of these senses might not appreciate the miracle that these senses are or the difficulty dealing with your life should one or more of these senses become non-functioning. Recently, I have suffered the near complete loss of my hearing. Hopefully, this is not permanent, time will tell, but it has me appreciating the senses differently. Quite a learning experience.

Imagine if you could not see another sunset or the faces of your loved ones. How would you navigate or take in information if you woke up blind or severely visually impaired? Your world would be a different place and a struggle you might not understand or be able to adapt to. Your vision is a miracle which can not be fully explained in its chemistry or physiology. How does your eye turn sights into impulses which travel through nerves to be translated by parts of your brain? It is a miracle. You were born with this sense and, by the way, YOU are a MIRACLE!. We have all met visually impaired people, some blind since birth or from accidents or illness, and yet how many fully sighted people can fully appreciate the situation which would challenge us if we were blind (without visual ability?) Most people find this scary and anxiety producing to consider having to move through life with a severe visual impairment. Do NOT use this as an unconscious excuse to keep visually impaired people at a distance or totally out of your life! Your loss of this relationship will reflect on YOUR insecurity… (And, lessons can be learned from interactions with people who live with any of the handicaps which humans experience. Appreciation and gratitude could be at the top of your list in expanded awareness regarding the “what ifs” possible in your life.)

The loss of smell and taste might seem easier to deal with but consider the importance of smell and taste. These miracles help us know the world in different ways. We can smell our lover. We can smell and taste the fragrances and tastes of a loving childhood memory. The sweet smell of Spring or Summer flowers would be missed. We can remember the trauma of death and some disease in certain smells. An example, the learned sickness a chemo-therapy patient might know as they associate certain “clinic” smells to the adverse reactions their bodies have had to the chemo-therapy agents. Or the taste of a dangerously spoiled food we unfortunately tasted. (The “Smell of Death” or very poor hygiene are more a cause for compassion than the often felt disgust our mind can lead us to feel.)

The miracle of touch is so incredibly important. New born babies and infants will not thrive unless they are touched, hopefully, lovingly by a mother or father or family member. The hug you offer or receive are nurturing to both people who share this embrace. The loving sensations of intimacy with your lover are very often addicting, nourishing, and anxiety relieving. Walking barefoot in warm sand or grass is a pleasure to experience for many people. A warm bath or therapeutic massage gives you so many possible positive sensations. I could go on a very long time describing the miracle of the sensations or touch. Remember, physical pain is a necessary sensation to protect our bodies. And, also remember the necessary nurturing from “connection” both emotionally and physically with other pilgrims you bump into on your path through this life.

And, I am dealing with the loss of hearing. To most other people I do not look much different than I did one month ago but my ability to communicate in conversation has been 90% damaged. My hearing was poor before but today, as I write, I can barely hear the voice within a few steps. In a crowded room, I can not have a conversation. I can not hear a verbal presentation on the internet or watch a movie (without captions) or listen to my new grandson. Taking in information through hearing, like seeing, is a miracle. How does the body translate a sound from the environment into a impulse sent through the nerves and then interpreted by the brain? Loss of hearing is not uncommon. Coping with a suddenly very quiet world, for me, is difficult. I, like many people, am fairly social. Interactions and communication are something I have built my life around. Sitting quietly by myself reading is possible but it is not how I have chosen to live my life. Hearing impaired individuals can get lost, overlooked, in their struggle to live normal lives. What if you could not hear the waves on the shore or your favorite music? Just be aware AND more fully appreciate your miracles which may be less appreciated.

Do not take the miracle of the 5 senses lightly! Do not assume that YOU will never be challenged by the loss of one or more of your senses.

And, by the way, your 6th sense should not be ignored. Your Intuition, Your Knowing, Your Sensing at a deep feeling level are even more miraculous. Where does it come from? What does it mean? How will you be “Guided” by your powerful and important 6th sense? And, how can you develop this miracle if you are conscious enough to realize its full importance and value? Better connecting with your intuition can help to move you forward on your spiritual path.

If you have read this far, I went to the doctor this week and he was able to clear much of the damage from the infection. I can hear poorly again and it is a blessing. Even though muffled, I can do my work and interact with people in most ways, at least better than I could for the past several weeks. Hearing better for me is a miracle and a blessing!

If you want to use your 6 senses to interact with people to enhance your consciousness, you can consider joining a community of consciousness seekers…
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Listening to That Small Voice in Your Soul

Yes, it is time to remind myself and “you” to pay attention to that ever present, though quiet, small voice. Not the judgmental narrative of the mind BUT the sweet, wisdom which comes from the source which we are all connected to, the Divine Spirit. Yup, I am reading Michael Singer’s book, “The Untethered Soul,” and a little book my new friend, Royce Williams, sent to me authored by his mom, Lee Williams, in 1994 entitled, “Heaven and Earth.” Both include, in their own way, the reminder (or new consciousness info for some) that we may not be bound to always listening to the 3 dimensional, fear based thinking, that is generated in the mind/ego.

What if we all practiced Mindfulness and we could:
Offer Unconditional Love and Acceptance
Be most aware of our real role in the Perfect Universe
Share our Wisdom Freely
Live in Joy
Avoid getting caught in the traps of fear and drama
Embrace Interconnection and Compassion
Remember the Impermanence of our 3 Dimensional World
Live in the Beginners Mind of Wonderment and Gratitude???

I have said this before and repeat again, YOU ARE MUCH GREATER THAN YOU MIGHT KNOW or at least give yourself credit for being! You are a Perfect hologram of the Divine Wisdom and can find peace and consciousness by going within. All you gotta do is quiet the yelling from your mind/ego (based in fear and insecurity) and ask the questions of your soul to find the answers which allow you to move forward toward higher consciousness and perhaps, Enlightenment (whatever that may be…) Michael Singer’s first 40 pages in his book offers a brilliant explanation, with out quoting research studies, regarding the way the mind and the spirit within you operates. He creates awareness that will change the way you “think” and better assist you in the process of finding the deeper truth of who you are.

Why is this important, you ask? ‘Cause I say so! AND, the fear and pain that comes from the survival instincts of your mind/ego can keep you from finding JOY and peace. Knowing and listening to your quiet small voice reduces your belief in separation and the concept you are distinct from all other things in our Universe. The Small voice helps you to reconnect with sources of wisdom which can assist you in the challenges you confront as you move along the path in this life.

It will not solve all your problems but the small voice can create the insight into how all of these learnings and interactions will benefit you, and so, benefit the Universal Spirit. We are not alone. We are all in this together. You can “circle the wagons” and continue to support the “rationale” of separation but, sooner or later, you will develop enough of your spiritual connection with the “Divine” so you will start to “Remember” who you really are and where you come from. And as Lee Williams says, embrace the “light and the dark” in awareness of the perfection and balance these seemingly opposites create.

If you desire a copy of Lee Williams’ book, “Heaven and Earth,” Please contact her son, Royce Williams at: – – This book will cost $11.00 and includes shipping in the U.S.A. (Contact Royce for payment and to get your mailing address.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Holidays 2018: Survival Guide

Every year about this time, we slip into the Season of the Holidays! In the Northern Hemisphere these holidays often fall on of near the Winter Solstice and were probably originated to assist early civilizations to cope with short days and then the rebirth of sunlight. We tend to mark the “dark times” of the year with lights/fires, social gatherings, and ceremonies. Too much food and too many gifts have become a tradition for people who can afford this kind of celebration and a challenging reminder for those of us who are not capable of participating at the level of overdone gluttony. My favorite holidays have always been more simple and with the people who really choose to be available, as opposed to whom I am “supposed” to celebrate with. As an example, last Thanksgiving (in 2017), 11 friends gathered at my house. They all had other places they could have been but chose to hang out with our community of friends and share stories of what gratitude really means for them. It was one of the very best, possibly the best, Thanksgiving for me because we really wanted to sit at that table together, in love.

Wow, I used the “L” word. AND, the holidays are better when sincere Love, with NO strings attached, are shared in respect, acceptance, and gratitude. How I wish the “Holidaze” had more of these true sentiments. Every human being, and most plants and animals (yes even rocks and rats) appreciate a good dose of LOVE given unconditionally. So consider the greatest gift you can give by being fully “present” and finding a way to celebrate the beauty and perfection of the soul who stands in front of you. Reduce or eliminate your judgement and find the Divine Spirit reflected back at you!!! Warm yourself in the Brilliant Light and Warmth which burns in the fellow pilgrim which you share this road to Enlightenment with. If nothing else, acknowledge the soul and spirit as the fellow traveler they are.

No matter what your religious belief or the “rules of conformity” you are asked to follow, find some genuine Love and Respect. Dance in the light until the Joy wells up inside and you remember where your soul has come from and where it will return when your days in this life, transition into the freedom of the Divine.

No matter what else is said or you experience, KNOW that you are a Perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit. You are important and your role is of major value. You serve by being the actor in this play and you do YOU better than anyone else!!! Overcome your own self-judgement and accept the beauty and the light you radiate! AND, remember to laugh when you plunge back into the weird Drama of your life… The drama and challenges are there to be the lessons so we (YOU) can learn to respond in the most positive sacred way to the hellish relationships and circumstances we might find ourselves within. We did NOT come to this life to avoid change or challenges. We came because these tougher times become the very best crucibles for our learning and development.

If you find yourselves away from family and friends, try to ind a way to connect and to serve. You will feel better and learn from each interaction. If you find yourself with family and friends, attempt today deep to find the best expression of your love and appreciation. You that the souls you meet during these holidays are on the path, whether the fully understand or not, and every interaction offers you an opportunity to be the beacon of love and light to guide all who are present one step closer to enlightenment. Step up and be the force for good you want to see in this world… Bless you for trying!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

How is Your Reflection?

When other people hold the mirror, how is your reflection? Not just your physical appearance, but who you “really” are as a person. In other words, what do people who know you, know about you? Is your self-image a reflection match of how other people feel about you? Remember, everyone has their unique perspective and their own unique opinion. Some people will be better observers and possibly more accurate. Some people will be more objective and not add their own challenges to describing your attributes, both your good qualities and your difficult ones.

It may not seem important, learning how other people feel about you. Your own personal feelings are most significant, however, we often are in denial or misjudge how we come across to others. Feedback is useful and often important. With objective feedback, we can make adjustments. We can learn from experience how others know us. With this input, we can decide if we wish to make any course corrections. Sometimes we can learn what is holding us back or, at the very least, what we could consider improving. As an example, in my early 20’s as I was participating in a “encounter group,” a member called me on my use of humor when the discussion got deeper and more difficult. At the time, I thought my humor was a positive and friendly attempt to entertain. What I learned from this feedback was that I was hiding behind my humor as a defense mechanism. This was very difficult for me to learn. I went into a depression and took 7 or 8 months to accept this fact and to integrate this into my life. To this day, when I use humor in a difficult encounter, I still ask myself whether this was defensive and something I need to examine or was it just my silly side bursting out inappropriately, as it commonly does… For me, this was a turning point and this reflection was very important, though difficult, for me.

Each of us are role models. We are beacons where we share our light and can assist other pilgrims to find their way along the path of self-discovery. Sometimes we create a reflection which is so positive, other people will want to follow or at least strive to move more in the direction you are projecting. Sometimes, we are a model of what NOT to do or to be. Long ago, I found out I could not make everyone like me, let alone, follow me. That was a rough lesson for my fragile ego and this changed my life. My outgrowth from this realization was that I needed to like ME and who I AM. Everyone is a different soul and does things differently. Some people behave in ways simply to get other people to “like” them even though this may be less healthy for their unique self. Living life as a popularity contest is one way to live. Personally, I do not choose this path. My insecurities are not often the driving force in how I present myself, though, like most people, I do enjoy positive attention.

The question remains, is your self-image a good reflection of who you really are? Are you willing to ask the question and receive the answer of your partner with little, or no, defensiveness? These struggles may lead to the most important lessons you have in this lifetime. Be present and learn through external reflection and self-reflection what you came here to learn! No matter where you are in self-discovery and spiritual development, you are a blessing! Even with your seeming imperfections or flaws, you are PERFECT just the way you are, though perhaps not above improvements.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

We Are Old Souls: No Excuses

A guide recently said to me, “We are all old Souls!” I was taken aback. This comment was triggered by a meditation I was recently having and my partner in this meditation revealed himself/herself to me as older and distinguished. Kind of like looking at Moses or one the Wisepersons from biblical times, you know old and gray. Long gray hair and beard and robes just standing there like in a movie. I was a little surprised and remarked, “You are an OLD Soul!” His answer surprised me and got me thinking… “We are ALL Old Souls.”

In contemplating this response, it opened the door for me to consider that all of our souls have been a part of the “Divine” since the Divine consciousness was created. If we believe that there is time (and I am not sure about this anymore) then our souls have been hangin’ around, pushing through various incarnations, over and over, trying to master our lessons for awhile. Some of us (our souls) may have been busy doing other things, like being a glacier or a tectonic plate, and have not taken the fast tract forward toward Enlightenment or Awakening or whatever the purest form of consciousness is defined by. Some souls are in hurry and scurrying around bumping into experiences which seem to expedite the process. Some souls just spend 40 days in the desert and came back to be Christ! AND, to confuse things even more, some spirits or souls are so highly spiritually evolved they did not have to incarnate at all, EVER! (And, these unfortunate souls do not get to come to the “fun” amusement park we call Earth.) But forget about these beings, for now.

We, our souls that is, have been hangin’ around since the dawn of consciousness in some form or another AND we all are AS OLD AS POSSIBLE. Yup, YOU have no more excuses for your infantile behaviors or thinking. We are all old and wise. We just forgot! When we arrived in this current incarnation our memory of where we came from was erased so we could struggle with our current lessons and challenges. If we could just “REMEMBER where We Came From” and the Divine Perfection we are, then we would not have to take “Life” so seriously and live in Joy more 24/7. Well, that is deep and it is our lesson… BTW, we are supposed to share our wisdom & Joy and truly love every other soul we bump into because we are all in this together… Take responsibility, ’cause whether you remember this or not, you chose to come back in this incarnation AND for a lesson!

Well this was not what I thought I was going to get out of this simple, low expectation, meditation. You never know. So pay attention! Be open! And, do not try to write yourself a note excusing your behavior as just a youthful miscalculation. You were supposed to step on that turd and knew it was there on some level of consciousness. Just clean it up and do not track it into the house for dinner… With my Love and appreciation! You are Perfect!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Long Lives – Short lives: Food for Thought

We come into our earthly existence with the agreements to work on certain challenges for our own spiritual development or for the benefit and development of the souls we interact with. There are certain lives/Incarnations which seem to require a longer investment in Earthly time and there are other incarnations where we appear for shorter amounts of Earth time. I have read that sometimes highly evolved souls show up and volunteer to incarnate for only short Earth lives for the benefit and challenges to other souls, as when a Baby dies early in life or a teenager dies in an accident or suicide, or a younger person parishes in a war. In these cases, the families grieve the loss of their precious young member and their lesson/challenge may be in working on their grief and finding the purpose of this difficult emotional event. What can be learned from this tragedy? (And, how can we find good ways to be of service after having to live through a difficult challenge from the “loss?”)

From personal experience, my wife seemed to die too young and seemed to not deserve her fate. However, as I reflect on her premature transition from her life, I know how much I have learned, how close our relationship became from this difficult experience, and I have been able to serve other people by sharing my stories as if this tragic lesson was learned for many souls to be touched. A parent losing a child seems much more challenging than the loss of my partner and so this may be a more significant learning opportunity. Life is precious! Life is short! Life is impermanent! Whether difficult to deal with or not, it is a blessing to have short lived souls enter and leave our lives for the gifts which these experiences bestow.

The most difficult group I have ever spoken with as a stress management trainer, was a support group for parents who had children died. Infant’s premature deaths, suicides, accidents, and illness robbed these parents of a more “natural” family relationship. The pain of these parents and their guilt due to their responsibility for their offspring was palpable. Yet, the learning from these tragedies was on the front runner for all involved. Sadness and grief are major life challenges. Appreciation of lives lived is an outcome which often can take long periods to resolve. We have all lost friends and family and have had major changes in our relationships. The vacuum which these losses create offer huge potential learnings for our conscious development and possible empathy for other people who travel similar paths.

My point is that we can learn a lot whether the person we are in relationship lives a long life or is only here for a relatively brief time. There is great value in learning from lessons of the short lives or long lives. Though very difficult to achieve, we can have equanimity in difficult situations and perhaps avoid getting sucked into the drama which can accompany a person transitioning from their current life. (At least, after the shock and grief from our loss has mellowed a bit with time and, hopefully, a normal adjustment into life without our friend or loved one…)

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

All Events are Perfectly Neutral!

Are you ever “Triggered” by the events which you find in the world? Do you react and disagree with the actions taken by other people? Of course you do. You are human and most humans judge the events which you witness. However, there is another way to respond to the events which can “Trigger” you. There is a practice in Mindfulness which comes from Buddhism called observing in “Equanimity.” My understanding of this principle of practiced Mindfulness entails observing each experience in a nonjudgemental state of mind and emotion. Not easy for me or most humans in my culture! To be Neutral may mean not getting caught up in the “Drama” of a viewed life experience. This does not mean you approve of what is happening but perhaps you can be neutral in your reaction.

Wow, that is easier said than done. Perhaps, instead of jumping into judgement and a possible disagreement, you can ask a question, to yourself or possibly out loud, What has happened in your life to lead you (the person or event which triggered you) to this behavior or way of acting in this world? What can you learn to increase your consciousness to better serve in this situation? How can you Love the person who triggers you without agreeing with their behavior? When you are challenged by a person or an event ask, what am I supposed to be learning and can I find gratitude for this difficult learning? Life in this incarnation is not supposed to be a “walk in the park.” It is supposed to be a challenge to strengthen you and to develop your consciousness. (Yuck! I struggle with getting beat up by life just so I can learn a lesson, but that IS why I am here.) There is a reason the Divine Spirit offers you the opportunity to grow through these difficult events and experiences.

Be Mindful! You never know when the perfect person or event will be offered as you next best chance to find equanimity and balance without getting sucked into or triggered by the dramas which constantly flies around the Earthly plane.

AND, if you happen to react in emotion or anger or fear to an event do not beat yourself up. Say, “Wow,” and continue to learn from this reaction. Awareness of your reactivity is half the battle. Changing your response, over time and with practice, is the goal… Thanks! You are amazing. Your struggle is a beauty to behold. Go share it!

So all events are neutral but the filters by which these events are experienced makes people respond as people do. And, you can not control the way other people respond. That is “what makes horse races,” as my father might say.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

BTW (By the Way), this lesson described above is MY constant challenge… I get triggered and then I laugh at myself for getting caught up in the drama… I am far from having this mastered… ALL Events are Neutral!